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**Earl Spencer Reveals Startling Details About Meghan Markle’s Secret Recordings of Royal Family Interactions**

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**Earl Spencer Reveals Startling Details About Meghan Markle’s Secret Recordings of Royal Family Interactions**

Earl Spencer, who is known for his royal connections as the brother of the late , recently made shocking revelations on his podcast, Rabbit Hole Detectives.

Apart from being a descendant of I and an author, the 59-year-old shared a unique bond with II during his childhood in the 1970s when he served as a page for the monarch.

In a candid conversation with his podcast co-hosts Richard Coles and Dr. Kat Jarman, Charles Spencer reminisced about the queen's instructions to young pages before ceremonies to combat the intense heat without drawing attention.

He emphasized the importance of subtly moving to maintain circulation while the queen addressed the public, highlighting the need to disengage from discomfort.

Moreover, Charles Spencer praised II as a remarkably intelligent individual during his podcast episode.

When questioned about the controversial ‘Megxit' incident involving , he shared his perspective without aiming to criticize anyone.

It was revealed that Meghan had meticulously documented family interactions through audio and video recordings in a personal diary.

Charles Spencer admitted advising the queen to keep detailed records due to his reservations about Meghan joining the Spencer family by marrying .

Allegedly, palace staff were informed that Meghan displayed reluctance to assimilate into the royal lifestyle, signaling potential discord.

Despite Meghan believing she held incriminating evidence against the royals, Charles dismissed her actions as inconsequential compared to the monarchy's resources.

The late queen's reaction to Meghan's inappropriate behavior towards startled palace aides and royal family members.

Meghan reportedly intruded on a private moment to capture unauthorized photos of the child, prompting Queen Elizabeth II to express her displeasure through a rare outburst.

The incident left Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, feeling unsettled as she discovered Meghan's breach of privacy.

Although Meghan attempted to justify her actions as spontaneous, Catherine's trust in her was irreparably damaged.

The encounter failed to foster unity within the family; instead, it deepened existing suspicions and reinforced the need to maintain distance from Meghan.

Consequently, a strict rule was imposed by the queen prohibiting Meghan from accessing palace grounds or any royal residence unaccompanied, requiring her presence alongside or designated staff members at all times.

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