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Duke and Duchess of Sussex Face Potential Roasting at 2023 Oscars

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Duke and Duchess of Sussex Face Potential Roasting at 2023 Oscars

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and , could be in for a rough ride at this year's Academy Awards, as hinted by PR expert Matt Yanofsky.

The upcoming ceremony, scheduled for Sunday, March 12th in Los Angeles, may see the royal couple becoming the target of comedic jabs from prominent figures in Hollywood.

Yanofsky, the founder of The Moment Lab, suggested that following the scathing parody of the couple on South Park, they might not escape unscathed.

Despite their absence from the star-studded event, Yanofsky believes that Meghan and Harry are no longer off-limits in the United States.

The recent South Park episode, which humorously poked fun at the couple's quest for privacy, has opened the floodgates for public commentary on the duo.

According to Yanofsky, the show's bold approach has empowered others to express their candid opinions about Meghan and Harry, similar to what was witnessed with Chris Rock's recent stand-up routine.

Yanofsky emphasized that South Park holds a unique position in pop culture, being unafraid to tackle sensitive topics and voice what many people are thinking but hesitant to say aloud.

The episode featuring characters inspired by the royal pair garnered praise from viewers, who hailed it as comedic gold.

By satirizing Meghan and Harry, the show has potentially paved the way for similar jests at the 95th annual Academy Awards.

The PR expert noted that the Oscars audience is notoriously detached from mainstream sentiments, making it uncertain whether the couple will be targeted for jokes or spared.

With the Sussexes' popularity taking a hit, the prospect of them being ridiculed by host Jimmy Kimmel or other personalities at the awards ceremony looms large.

Despite their exclusion from the Oscars and the film industry's inner circle, the couple's public image remains vulnerable to mockery.

Jimmy Kimmel, known for his comedic flair, previously teased during a segment on his show, “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

The TV host playfully introduced a parody children's book titled “The Prince and the p-nis,” drawing laughter from the audience.

The whimsical tale humorously referenced a fictional encounter between Harry and at the North Pole, adding a lighthearted twist to the royal narrative.

As the anticipation builds for the 2023 Oscars, speculations abound regarding the potential jests aimed at Meghan and Harry.

Whether the royal couple will be the subject of light-hearted banter or face pointed satire remains to be seen.

With their relevance in the entertainment industry questioned, the Sussexes may find themselves unwitting participants in Hollywood's grandest night, navigating the unpredictable terrain of celebrity scrutiny and comedic roasts.

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