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Duke and Duchess of Sussex Face Growing Discontent in Montecito

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Duke and Duchess of Sussex Face Growing Discontent in Montecito

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, have traded their royal duties for a quieter life in Montecito, California.

However, it seems that the glitz and glamour associated with their titles aren’t winning them any favors among local residents.

According to royal expert Barry Marr, the couple isn’t exactly being embraced by their affluent neighbors, who aren’t rolling out the red carpet for them.

While Harry and Meghan may reside in a posh area, it appears the locals are far from impressed.

Marr humorously notes that the couple is rarely seen around town, leading to a sense of indifference among residents.

He quips that the tolerance levels in Montecito mirror those found across the United States, where fans show unwavering support no matter the circumstances.

However, 2023 has brought a shift in fortunes for the Sussexes.

After being dubbed a “Hollywood flop” by the Wall Street Journal, they’ve been placed on the Hollywood Reporter’s list of the year’s biggest losers.

As their popularity wanes, many people seem either bored or frustrated by the ongoing saga surrounding their lives.

This disinterest extends even to local bookstores, which have reportedly stopped promoting Harry and Meghan’s endeavors.

American commentator Kinsey Schofield reveals that Montecito bookstores are choosing not to stock Omid Scobie’s book, “Endgame,” which focuses on the couple’s experiences.

This sudden lack of enthusiasm raises eyebrows and begs the question: what has triggered such a backlash?

Schofield points out that many in the neighborhood are disillusioned with how the Sussexes have treated their family and elders.

It appears that the community is increasingly voicing their discontent, with many locals expressing a lack of respect for the couple.

This sentiment marks a stark contrast to the usual fascination Americans have with royal stories.

Interestingly, it seems that even the allure of celebrity hasn’t kept the Sussexes in the spotlight.

Schofield observes that while the headlines may still be making waves, the couple’s star power has significantly diminished in Montecito.

Their narrative, once captivating, is now losing its luster among those who live nearby.

Adding to the intrigue, rumors are swirling that Harry and Meghan are considering a move to Malibu, an area known for its celebrity residents, including Halle Berry and Miley Cyrus.

Initially, Harry was reportedly enthusiastic about this potential new chapter, with Meghan suggesting the idea.

However, recent developments suggest he may now be leaning towards purchasing a property near London instead.

Sources indicate that Harry was initially keen on the Malibu move, but a change of heart appears to be in play.

The speculation about a possible house hunt in New York has raised questions about his intentions.

Is Harry trying to distance himself from their current life in California, or is there a more strategic reason behind this shift?

As discontent brews among their neighbors, the Sussexes’ journey continues to unfold like a drama series.

While they once captivated audiences with their royal tales, it seems the sparkle has dulled within their exclusive enclave.

The intrigue surrounding their lives remains, but the warmth from their community appears to be fading.

The evolving narrative leaves many wondering what lies ahead for the Duke and Duchess.

With the soap opera elements of their lives drawing less interest locally, the couple may need to reassess their approach moving forward.

The world will undoubtedly keep an eye on their next moves as they navigate this new chapter.

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