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Duchess of Sussex Feels Embarrassed by Prince Harry’s Revealing Memoir

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Duchess of Sussex Feels Embarrassed by Prince Harry’s Revealing Memoir

In a recent turn of events, the Duchess of Sussex, , is reportedly feeling a bit embarrassed following revelations made in her husband 's memoir, “Spare.”

The book has stirred quite a buzz, especially after Harry shared intimate details about losing his virginity.

According to royal expert Kinsey Schofield, these disclosures might not sit well with Meghan.

Harry's memoir recounts an experience he described as taking place in a field behind a pub with an older woman.

This revelation has drawn attention, particularly after a woman named Sasha Walpole came forward claiming to be the woman in question.

In a candid video interview, Walpole explained her side of the story, shedding light on the past.

Walpole, now 40, revealed that she only decided to speak out after Harry's book hit the shelves.

For over two decades, she kept this chapter of her life a secret, but Harry's candidness prompted her to share her truth.

She expressed surprise that he chose to include such personal details in his memoir.

Reflecting on their past, Walpole described Harry as a good friend and someone who brought joy into her life.

They shared a mutual love for horses, and she even worked as a groom at Highgrove, the residence of Prince Charles.

Their friendship seems to have been genuine, making the revelations all the more intriguing.

Walpole indicated that many people from their past likely knew about their encounter, which adds another layer to this unfolding story.

She wished Harry well and expressed a hope that if they crossed paths again, they could share a drink together.

Despite their lives taking different trajectories, she fondly remembers their friendship.

In “Spare,” Harry characterized the experience of losing his virginity as an “inglorious episode.”

He recounted how a bodyguard, Marco, visited him while he was still a student at Eton College to uncover the truth about the incident.

This moment marked the beginning of Harry's public acknowledgment of his past.

While some may find amusement in these revelations, Schofield believes Meghan's feelings are valid.

She pointed out that Harry would likely be mortified if someone were to write a similar account about him and Meghan.

It raises questions about privacy and the impact of such disclosures on their relationship.

There are speculations about why Walpole chose to go public now.

One theory is that she wanted to put an end to the frenzy surrounding the search for the woman involved.

With public figures like Rupert Everett making claims, it seems Walpole stepped in to clarify her role in the narrative.

Additionally, speaking out could potentially open doors for Walpole, perhaps leading to opportunities in the media.

Schofield humorously suggested that we might see her on reality TV or even pen her own memoir, hinting at the potential for a new career path.

As this story continues to develop, many are left wondering about the implications for the Sussexes.

How do you feel about sharing such personal moments in his memoir?

The conversation around this topic is sure to evolve as more details emerge.

Stay tuned for more updates on this intriguing royal saga.

The world is watching, and it's clear that the fallout from Harry's revelations is just beginning.

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