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Duchess Kate Shares Heartfelt Insights on Parenting During Pandemic

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Duchess Kate Shares Heartfelt Insights on Parenting During Pandemic

In a heartwarming revelation, the Duchess of Cambridge, , opened up about her youngest child, , during a recent appearance on BBC Breakfast.

The two-year-old royal, she shared, hasn't quite grasped the concept of social distancing, primarily because he has an insatiable desire to hug everything in sight.

This candid moment came as Kate discussed how her family has adapted to life under COVID-19 restrictions while launching the BBC's Tiny Happy People digital resource.

During the segment, Kate interacted with parents Kerry and Darren, who were present with their own two-year-old, Dexter.

Noting the close age between the boys, she remarked, “Louis doesn't understand social distancing.

He just wants to cuddle everything, especially babies younger than him.” This relatable admission struck a chord with many viewers, highlighting the innocence of childhood amidst a global pandemic.

Kate's conversation with the young parents was not only charming but also insightful.

She complimented Dexter on his digger toy, saying, “It's very nice.

Louis would like that digger.” Moments like these reveal the down-to-earth nature of the Duchess, who balances her royal duties with the everyday challenges of raising three children.

In her candid remarks, Kate also touched on her children's hearty appetites, humorously describing them as “bottomless pits.” She confessed, “I feel like a constant feeding machine,” a statement that many parents can undoubtedly relate to.

Managing meal times has become yet another task on her ever-growing list of responsibilities.

The launch of the Tiny Happy People initiative is particularly close to Kate's heart.

She described it as “gold dust for parents,” emphasizing its importance in helping families foster communication and language skills in their children.

Her passion for this project is evident, as she has been actively involved in its development over several months.

Reflecting on the challenges of lockdown, Kate acknowledged that while it has been a positive experience in some ways, it has also posed significant difficulties.

“It's been challenging,” she said, noting the stress of being confined in one space and the added burden of homeschooling.

Her respect for teachers has deepened through this experience, as she now understands the demands of educating children at home.

The Duchess expressed her struggle with the transition back to work after having spent so much quality time with her family.

“How do you extend that umbilical cord?” she pondered, addressing the challenge many families face when trying to balance professional obligations with cherished family moments.

Kate's reflections resonate with countless parents navigating similar situations.

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