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Doria’s Flight Attendant Claims Take a Turbulent Turn

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Doria’s Flight Attendant Claims Take a Turbulent Turn

In a recent whirlwind of controversy, Doria Ragland, mother of , has found herself at the center of a heated dispute regarding her past.

During a rare interview, Doria claimed she worked as a flight attendant for EasyJet in the 1980s, a statement that has since been categorically denied by the airline's CEO, Johan Lundgren.

According to him, company records show no evidence of Doria ever being employed by EasyJet during that time, which raises eyebrows about the authenticity of her claims.

Doria's interview painted a nostalgic picture of her experiences, filled with travel perks and memorable encounters.

She seemed to relish the idea of having been part of the aviation world, sharing tales that many would find enchanting.

However, Lundgren's firm rebuttal has thrown a wrench into her narrative, stating, “We have thoroughly checked our employee records from the 1980s, and there is no record of Doria Ragland ever working as a flight attendant for EasyJet.”

He further emphasized that EasyJet itself was not established until 1995, making her claims even more puzzling.

This public denial has reportedly left seething.

Known for her fierce loyalty to her family, Meghan wasted no time in reaching out to her mother after hearing about the CEO's comments.

Sources close to the Duchess of Sussex indicate that she was furious, asserting that EasyJet had no right to dispute her mother's account of her life.

It appears that this situation has struck a nerve, igniting Meghan's protective instincts.

At a subsequent charity event, Meghan made headlines again when she directed pointed remarks towards a journalist, emphasizing the importance of companies verifying their facts before labeling individuals as liars.

This comment was widely interpreted as a direct jab at EasyJet's CEO, showcasing Meghan's determination to defend her mother's reputation.

The tension surrounding this incident is palpable, and it leaves many wondering how far Meghan is willing to go in response.

To dig deeper into the validity of Doria's claims, I spoke with an old neighbor from the 1980s.

This neighbor recalled Doria as a kind, reserved woman who was focused on her education and raising Meghan as a single mother.

The neighbor confirmed that Doria did not work as a flight attendant during that period.

Instead, she was busy finishing her social work degree and juggling various odd jobs.

Further investigation revealed some intriguing details from Doria's past.

Old yearbook photos from her college days listed her as working part-time at the campus library while pursuing her studies.

There was no indication of any aviation-related employment, further casting doubt on her claims about EasyJet.

Additionally, a thorough search into Doria's employment history showed no record of her working as a flight attendant.

Instead, her documented jobs included positions like library aide, waitress, and cashier.

This evidence strongly contradicts her assertion of having worked for EasyJet, raising questions about the accuracy of her memories.

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