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Dolly Maud: From NHS Nurse to Royal Lady-in-Waiting

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Dolly Maud: From NHS Nurse to Royal Lady-in-Waiting

In a delightful twist of fate, Dolly Maud, the NHS nurse who gained fame for her whimsical lady-in-waiting badge at the Cheltenham races, is stepping into an unexpected role within the Royal Household.

Known for her infectious humor and strong bond with her best friend Zara Tindall, Maud’s journey took a remarkable turn when she helped deliver Tindall’s third child in a rather unconventional setting—a bathroom floor—back in 2021.

Now, at 51 years old and a mother of four, she has been appointed as a lady-in-waiting to the Princess Royal.

This exciting news is set to be officially announced in the court circular on February 1st, marking a significant milestone for Maud.

Her close relationship with Zara Tindall, which blossomed over shared experiences and laughter, has now paved the way for her to join the royal circle.

Initially, the playful lady-in-waiting badge was meant as a joke, but it seems that life had grander plans in store for Maud.

The role of a lady-in-waiting entails much more than just ceremonial duties.

It involves being a loyal companion to a female royal during various engagements and assisting with everyday responsibilities.

Maud’s new position alongside the Princess Royal highlights not only her deep connection with Tindall but also her growing ties to the broader royal family.

Zara Tindall’s husband, Mike, recently shed light on Maud’s vital presence during the birth of their son, Lucas.

On his podcast, “The Good, The Bad and The Rugby,” he recounted the chaotic yet memorable moments leading up to the birth.

He praised Maud for her quick thinking, stating, “We wouldn’t have gotten to the hospital on time, so it was run into the gym, get a mat, get into the bathroom, towels down, brace, brace, brace.” This candid reflection underscores the trust and reliance the Tindalls place on Maud.

A friend of Maud’s revealed that the pairing with the Princess Royal is a match made in heaven, thanks to their mutual love for dogs and horses.

She shares a strong rapport not just with Zara but also with the Princess, marked by loyalty and discretion.

This camaraderie suggests that Maud will fit seamlessly into her new role, bringing warmth and familiarity to the royal environment.

Beyond her royal duties, Maud is a devoted mother who occasionally looks after Tindall’s children during equestrian events.

The familial ties are evident, as Tindall is even the godmother to Maud’s youngest son, Ted.

Such connections illustrate the intertwining lives of these women, built on friendship and mutual support.

Maud’s appointment as a lady-in-waiting also reflects a shift in the traditional roles within the royal household.

Historically, ladies-in-waiting were often selected from aristocratic backgrounds, but Maud’s selection highlights how bonds forged through friendship can hold equal importance.

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