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Disney Cuts Ties with Meghan, Excludes Her from Invictus Games Closing Ceremonies

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Disney Cuts Ties with Meghan, Excludes Her from Invictus Games Closing Ceremonies

Bob Hyger has made a bold move by withdrawing Disney's sponsorship from the Invictus Games and insisting on Meghan's exclusion from the closing ceremonies.

Let's be clear right from the start – this is not a debate about the incredible nature of the Invictus Games.

They are undeniably remarkable.

However, the situation involving , the Duke of Sussex, and the future of these games is becoming increasingly intricate.

Recently, a trailer for a five-part documentary series overseen by focusing on the heart of the Invictus Games was revealed.

Just two days after its release, the trailer attracted a relatively modest viewership of 103,000.

Within this number, there were approximately 2.1 thousand reactions of approval and disapproval each.

This lukewarm reception is worrying for Netflix, as they often rely on trailer ratings to predict a show's success, sometimes leading to cancellations of entire seasons.

It wouldn't be surprising if the documentary faces challenges in securing a spot on Netflix, with some subscribers already canceling their memberships in protest.

The decision by Disney, a major sponsor of the Invictus Games, to pull out its sponsorship this year following news of Meghan's involvement in the closing ceremony is significant.

Disney had previously expressed excitement about co-sponsoring the opening and closing ceremonies of the games in 2016, citing their strong connection to the armed forces.

However, in recent years, Disney has distanced itself from the Invictus Games and cut ties altogether.

Despite the Sussexes' rise to fame and recognition over the past three years, they continue to struggle to gain widespread support in the United States.

The resurgence of positive ratings for the documentary following Harry and Meghan's participation is noteworthy, given the challenges they have faced.

According to Gallup, remains the most favored public figure in the United States, while Bob Iger, the head of Disney, has shown a preference for collaborating with the Prince and Princess of Wales over Harry and Meghan.

The core issue lies with the Duke and Duchess themselves, who have turned their personal grievances and family conflicts into a sort of industry, diverting attention from their original goal of creating an innovative and impactful charitable organization.

This shift in focus has not gone unnoticed, with many questioning their priorities and intentions.

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