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Dame Joan Collins Shuns Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Praises Prince William and Kate Middleton Instead

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Dame Joan Collins Shuns Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Praises Prince William and Kate Middleton Instead

Renowned actress Dame Joan Collins has made it clear that she prefers to divert attention away from and , opting instead to shower praise on his brother, , and William's wife, .

In a recent interview, the 88-year-old icon expressed her disinterest in discussing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, emphasizing her admiration for the Duke of Cambridge and the Duchess of Cambridge.

Collins firmly stated that she believes and have received enough media coverage, implying that she would rather focus on the positive contributions made by and to their country.

Refusing to delve into specifics about the Sussexes, she highlighted her genuine affection for the Cambridge family, including their three children: Princes George and Louis, and .

During a conversation with the Daily Mail, Joan Collins reiterated her admiration for Prince William and Kate Middleton, commending them for their significant roles within the royal family.

She emphasized her preference for reading about the Cambridges, whom she views as exemplary figures, over engaging in discussions about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

In a previous encounter with journalist Piers Morgan on his show, Life Stories, Dame Joan Collins tactfully avoided commenting on the ongoing drama within the British royal family involving Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and other prominent members.

When pressed for her thoughts on the situation, she humorously mimed zipping her lips shut, indicating her reluctance to publicly share her opinions.

The actress also reminisced about her interactions with the late , revealing that Diana had once sought her advice on coping with the relentless scrutiny of the public eye.

Reflecting on a moment when they were hounded by paparazzi, Collins shared Diana's struggle with the intrusive nature of fame, describing her life as tragically marked by attempts to evade constant media attention.

Coinciding with the launch of her latest book, “My Unapologetic Diaries,” Joan Collins candidly discussed various encounters with notable figures, including the late Tara Palmer Tomkinson.

Known for her straightforward demeanor, Collins did not mince words when sharing her unfiltered opinions, even if they diverged from conventional perceptions.

Joan Collins, an accomplished English actress, author, and columnist renowned for her portrayal of Alexis Colby in the television series Dynasty, continues to captivate audiences with her candid insights and unwavering authenticity.

Her latest remarks underscore her steadfast support for Prince William and Kate Middleton while maintaining a diplomatic distance from the controversies surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

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