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**Controversy Surrounding Lilibet’s Royal Christening**

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**Controversy Surrounding Lilibet’s Royal Christening**

The Rt Reverend John Harvey Taylor, the Bishop of Los Angeles, recently performed the christening ceremony for the Sussexes' 21-month-old daughter at their Montecito residence in California.

Despite the significance of the event, no images from the baptism have been shared on the bishop's website.

's delayed baptism has been a topic of discussion since her birth, as she remained unchristened for almost two years.

The decision to have the christening conducted privately by a bishop rather than the Archbishop of Canterbury was made after facing rejection, possibly during previous interactions with the royal family.

The Sussexes aimed to replicate a traditional royal christening, opting for a bishop over a local priest and selecting a celebrity godfather instead of a royal figure.

However, their desires for a ceremony akin to those of working royals were not fully realized.

John Taylor, who officiated the baptism of Lily, previously served as the chief of staff for Richard Nixon following his presidency.

This unconventional choice of clergy aligns with the couple's ongoing defiance of royal norms.

The timing of the announcement, just two months before the coronation, suggests a sense of urgency despite having had ample time to arrange the christening.

The couple's insistence on maintaining royal titles for their children, despite distancing themselves from the monarchy, has raised eyebrows among royal commentators.

Jan Moir, a Daily Mail expert, criticized Harry and Meghan for accepting the title of Princess for after publicly condemning the royal family.

Moir questioned the authenticity of the couple's anti-monarchy stance, highlighting the apparent contradiction in their actions.

The absence of traditional elements such as photos in the royal christening gown, family portraits, and social media posts from royal relatives indicates a disconnect between the Sussexes and the wider royal family.

The subtle handling of the event, including a discreet update to the line of succession website and minimal public acknowledgments, reflects the strained relationship between the couple and the monarchy.

Despite their vocal criticisms of the royal institution, Harry and Meghan's actions suggest a lingering attachment to royal titles and privileges.

The juxtaposition of their anti-monarchy rhetoric with their acceptance of royal honors for their children has sparked debate about the couple's true intentions and beliefs.

As the Sussexes navigate their complex relationship with the monarchy, their decisions continue to provoke scrutiny and speculation.

In the midst of ongoing controversies and conflicting narratives, the christening of Lilibet serves as a microcosm of the larger tensions within the royal family.

The symbolic significance of the event, coupled with the Sussexes' unconventional approach to royal traditions, underscores the complexities of their position as former working royals seeking to redefine their roles outside the confines of the monarchy.

As the Sussexes navigate the intricacies of balancing their personal beliefs with their royal heritage, the christening of Lilibet remains a point of contention and curiosity for observers.

The evolving dynamics between the couple and the royal family, marked by moments of defiance and tradition, reflect the broader shifts occurring within the monarchy and its modern relevance in a changing world.

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