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Completely White Meghan Brits In The Trash For Her Ugly Behaviour

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Completely White Meghan Brits In The Trash For Her Ugly Behaviour

A recent poll has revealed that a staggering 96.69% of British citizens have voted against the return of to Britain.

The sentiment expressed was one of betrayal, with many feeling that Meghan had turned her back on the warm welcome she initially received.

Initially, the British public had embraced Meghan and Harry's union, viewing it as a positive step towards modernizing the monarchy.

The inclusion of a biracial wife at a senior level was seen as a significant milestone.

However, their support quickly waned when the couple chose to step back from their royal duties and relocate to America.

Meghan and Harry's decision to publicly criticize the royal family and portray themselves as victims of abuse further alienated them from the British public.

They accused the monarchy of mistreatment and discrimination, painting a negative picture of their time within the royal institution.

Meghan's actions were perceived as disrespectful and ungrateful, tarnishing the image of the royal family.

Despite their attempts to profit from their experiences through book and media deals, the public sentiment towards Meghan and Harry soured significantly.

The Queen, who commands respect and admiration, has been subjected to disrespect by Meghan's actions.

Many question Harry's role in allowing Meghan to disparage his family and country without intervention.

Meghan's behavior has raised concerns about her motives and intentions, with accusations of manipulation and self-serving actions.

The couple's attempts to profit from their royal connections have been met with skepticism and criticism.

Meghan's history of controversial behavior dates back to her earlier years, with reports of bullying and social climbing emerging from her past.

Her treatment of others, including family members and sorority sisters, has been called into question.

Critics argue that Meghan's actions reflect a pattern of entitlement and disregard for those around her.

Harry, on the other hand, has faced scrutiny for his role in enabling Meghan's behavior and failing to uphold his responsibilities as a member of the royal family.

The couple's decision to distance themselves from the royal family and pursue personal ventures has been met with mixed reactions.

While some sympathize with their desire for independence, others view their actions as a betrayal of their duties and obligations.

The ongoing saga of Meghan and Harry's tumultuous relationship with the royal family has captivated audiences worldwide, with many questioning the authenticity of their claims and motives.

As Meghan and Harry continue to navigate their post-royal lives, the public remains divided on their legacy.

While some admire their courage to break free from tradition, others criticize their actions as self-serving and detrimental to the monarchy's reputation.

The couple's future remains uncertain, with speculation rife about their next steps and potential endeavors.

Amidst the controversy and drama surrounding Meghan and Harry, one thing is clear – their impact on the royal family and public perception is far from over.

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