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Colombian Government Cancels $10 Million Tour Award for Sussexes Amid Controversy

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Colombian Government Cancels $10 Million Tour Award for Sussexes Amid Controversy

In a surprising turn of events, the Colombian government has decided to scrap a $10 million tour award initially promised to and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

This decision follows a significant backlash triggered by an incident during their recent visit to Colombia, where Meghan's affectionate display towards her husband sparked outrage among many locals.

The four-day trip was meant to highlight the couple's charitable efforts, focusing on online safety and the fight against cyberbullying.

However, it quickly became mired in controversy, overshadowing the intended message of goodwill.

The couple's visit to San Basilio de Palenque, an Afro-Colombian community, was particularly contentious.

Meghan was seen embracing Harry in a way that many locals felt was inappropriate and disrespectful to their cultural norms.

Colombian Vice President Francia Mórquez, who had personally invited the Sussexes to the country, voiced her disapproval.

She emphasized that such behavior could not be tolerated, especially from figures who are expected to act as ambassadors of goodwill.

Mórquez stated, “We cannot condone such behaviour,” highlighting the importance of respecting local customs and traditions.

The public response was swift and intense.

Many Colombians expressed their anger on social media, accusing Meghan of being insensitive to the cultural context of her visit.

One social media user lamented, “This was not about the people of Colombia or their struggles.

It was all about Meghan and her need for attention and validation.” Such sentiments resonated with a significant portion of the population, who felt that the Duchess was not genuinely engaging with the community.

The backlash prompted the Colombian government to take decisive action.

In a statement, Mórquez announced that the $10 million earmarked for the Sussexes would be redirected towards local community projects aimed at addressing pressing social issues.

“We cannot reward behaviour that is disrespectful and divisive,” she asserted, reinforcing the idea that the dignity of the Colombian people must come first.

Reactions to the government's decision have been mixed.

While many praised the stance taken by the authorities, others criticized it as an overreaction.

Supporters of the Sussexes defended Meghan's actions, arguing that her embrace was simply a genuine expression of love.

They pointed out the double standards she faces compared to other public figures.

One supporter remarked, “Meghan is constantly being held to a different standard than other public figures.” They claimed that this incident reflects a broader pattern of unjust scrutiny directed at the Duchess since she joined the royal family.

For them, the criticism appears to be less about the act itself and more about the person involved.

Conversely, critics maintained that Meghan's display was a clear violation of the cultural expectations of her hosts.

They argued that the government's response was necessary to uphold the integrity and respect of Colombian traditions.

“This incident is just the latest example of her self-centred and tone-deaf approach to her public role,” one critic stated, emphasizing a perceived pattern of behavior.

As the situation unfolds, all eyes are on how the Sussexes will react to this cancellation and the surrounding controversy.

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