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**Charles Removes Sussex’s Child Custody After UK Royal Court Finalizes Divorce During Coronation**

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**Charles Removes Sussex’s Child Custody After UK Royal Court Finalizes Divorce During Coronation**

Amidst rumors of a strained relationship between Meghan and Harry, it seems that divorce may be on the horizon.

Charles III, set to be crowned king in the UK, has taken a significant step by asserting custody over Sussex's child.

Unfortunately, this means won't be able to attend his grandfather's coronation, as royal protocol dictates that the Sovereign is the custodial guardian of grandchildren.

Speculation arises that Meghan and Harry might be asked to stay on after the coronation, potentially leading to Harry serving divorce papers during their visit.

This strategic move could give leverage in custody negotiations, placing Meghan at a disadvantage under UK law compared to US regulations.

The issue of royal custody traces back to a 300-year-old rule initiated by King George, granting authority over grandchildren in cases of disagreement with parents.

This historical precedent raises questions about whether technically holds legal custody of her great-grandchildren, rather than their parents.

Legal debates surrounding the King's prerogative in child custody highlight a complex web of historical rulings and royal traditions.

The court's deliberation centers on the extent of the King's authority in matters concerning the upbringing, education, and marriage arrangements of royal offspring.

While modern laws have aimed to balance parental rights, the royal prerogative remains a significant factor in determining custody arrangements for royal descendants.

The Royal Marriages Act of 1772 and subsequent legislative changes have reinforced the monarch's role in overseeing royal family matters.

Looking ahead, any future children born to and will likely be subject to similar custody arrangements under the royal prerogative.

Despite these legal intricacies, experts suggest that Prince Charles respects his son's parenting decisions and is unlikely to interfere in significant parental choices.

Acknowledging the Sussexes' desire for privacy in raising their children, it is unlikely that Charles will impose strict control over childcare matters.

Instead, he may simply request more updates or photos of his grandchildren, reflecting a supportive and respectful approach to family dynamics in the royal household.

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