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Charles’ Controversial Move: Reducing Harry and Meghan’s Security

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Charles’ Controversial Move: Reducing Harry and Meghan’s Security

In a surprising twist in the ongoing saga of the British royal family, new reports suggest that III may have taken drastic measures to manage the presence of and .

According to Byline Times, the monarch allegedly withdrew taxpayer-funded police protection for the couple back in 2020.

This decision has sparked intense speculation about the motivations behind it and its implications for the Sussexes' standing within the royal fold.

A source cited by the publication indicated that this move was not merely a matter of security but rather a strategic maneuver.

The aim?

To either keep Harry and Meghan closely tethered to the royal family or to distance them completely.

The source elaborated that the royals faced a dilemma: they needed to ensure the Sussexes were either fully integrated into the family or entirely cast aside, to prevent them from overshadowing other family members.

This report paints a picture of a royal family grappling with the popularity of Harry and Meghan.

It seems their ability to capture public attention often eclipses that of other royals, including Charles, , and even William and Kate.

The source emphasized this point, stating, “The greater truth is that Harry and Meghan make better headlines.” Such a statement underscores the growing concern within the palace about the couple's media appeal.

Moreover, the idea of Harry and Meghan continuing to serve the public while living abroad, seemingly out of the institution's control, was deemed unacceptable by some royal insiders.

This notion hints at a deeper fear among the royals: losing their grip on the narrative and influence over their image.

Byline Times has suggested that the royal family may have embarked on a calculated strategy to undermine the Sussexes' choice to step back from royal duties.

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