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Cancelled Christmas Party at Windsor Castle Amid Omicron Concerns

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Cancelled Christmas Party at Windsor Castle Amid Omicron Concerns

The Queen's highly anticipated Christmas party at Windsor Castle has been called off this year, much to the disappointment of Her Majesty and the entire royal family.

The decision to cancel the traditional pre-Christmas lunch was made in light of the escalating Omicron variant situation, which continues to surge across the country.

ITV's Royal Correspondent, Chris Shipp, broke the news on social media, revealing that the Queen expressed regret over axing the festive gathering with her family.

Despite her strong commitment to upholding the royal family's holiday traditions, it was deemed necessary to prioritize safety and well-being.

Originally scheduled for Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at Windsor Castle, the annual Christmas reunion was set to bring together the entire royal family before they dispersed to Norfolk for Christmas Day celebrations.

This gathering would have marked the largest assembly of the family since the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh in April.

Among the expected attendees were three of the Queen's four new grandchildren – August, Lucas, and Sienna.

However, , , along with their children and , will be staying in the US, missing out on the festivities.

Following the cancellation of the Windsor event, plans for the Queen to fly via helicopter to Sandringham House have been disrupted.

There, she was to be joined by , the Duchess of Cambridge, and their children at their Norfolk residence, Amner Hall.

Traditionally, the royal family gathers at Sandringham on Christmas Eve for a dinner steeped in German heritage and continues with a turkey lunch on Christmas Day after attending the Christmas Mass at St Mary Magdalene's Church on the estate.

The sudden change in plans has left uncertainty surrounding the Queen's travel to Sandringham and which members of the royal family will accompany her.

This holiday season poses a unique challenge for Her Majesty, as she navigates her first Christmas without her beloved husband and potentially without her extended family by her side.

Currently residing at Windsor Castle, the Queen is maintaining a light schedule following recent health concerns.

Palace aides had explored options for her to make public appearances leading up to Christmas, aiming to spread cheer during these trying times.

The decision to forego the Christmas party aligns with the cautionary advice from England's chief medical officer regarding the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.

With the strain quickly becoming dominant in London and causing a surge in infections, health officials are urging people to exercise caution during the holiday season.

Despite the setbacks and challenges, the Queen remains a beacon of hope for many, with hopes that she will be well enough to engage in a brief public appearance at the castle grounds.

As the world grapples with the uncertainties brought about by the Omicron variant, the royal family, like many families around the country, is adapting to ensure that the holiday spirit endures.

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