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Cambridge Kids Set for New School Adventure in Windsor

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Cambridge Kids Set for New School Adventure in Windsor

In an exciting development for the Cambridge family, all three children—Prince George, , and —are gearing up to start school this September at Lambroke School in Berkshire.

This marks a significant milestone, especially for four-year-old Louis, who will be stepping into the classroom for the very first time.

Meanwhile, George and Charlotte will transition from their previous school, Thomas's Battersea in London, to join their younger brother at Lambroke.

The decision to enroll the children at Lambroke comes on the heels of the family's reported relocation from Kensington Palace to Windsor.

They are expected to settle into the charming four-bedroom Adelaide Cottage over the summer.

This move not only signifies a new chapter for the Cambridge kids but also aligns with their parents' desire for a more tranquil family life.

Lambroke School has a reputation for excellence, charging around £7,000 per term, with an additional fee of £1,481 for boarding.

However, the Cambridge children will be day pupils, returning home each evening after classes.

The school is known for sending many of its students to prestigious secondary institutions like Eton, which holds particular significance as it's where himself studied.

What's particularly appealing about Lambroke is its co-educational setting, allowing all three siblings to attend the same school.

This is a change from their previous arrangements, as they were at separate schools before.

Parents familiar with Lambroke have praised the environment, noting that it's a place where children are well-mannered and polite.

According to a guide by Talk Education, Lambroke is described as picturesque, offering a bucolic atmosphere perfect for young learners.

The school grounds are lively, with children seen cartwheeling on the croquet lawn, playing cricket, and swinging from old tyres, all while displaying rosy cheeks and an energetic glow.

This vibrant outdoor setting seems ideal for fostering a love for nature and physical activity.

At the heart of the school lies a stunning white country house, complemented by a nursery and pre-prep facilities.

This beautiful backdrop enhances the overall learning experience, making it both enjoyable and enriching for the students.

Reports suggest that William and Kate have been frequent visitors to the school, with William even engaging in conversations with students, including discussions about Latin classes.

The Cambridges' move to Windsor carries deeper significance as it brings them closer to the Queen, who now resides permanently at Windsor Castle.

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