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**Buckingham Palace Releases Video Countering Omid Scobie’s Claims**

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**Buckingham Palace Releases Video Countering Omid Scobie’s Claims**

Buckingham Palace has recently unveiled a new video showcasing 's public interactions, seemingly in response to allegations made by author Omid Scobie in his latest book, Endgame.

The book reportedly contains scathing criticisms directed at and his wife, Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh.

One of the contentious claims made by Scobie suggests that Prince Edward is excessively germophobic, known for avoiding physical contact with others.

However, the released footage from the Palace contradicts this narrative.

The video captures the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to the Wharf Studios in Barking and Dagenham, East London, where he engaged in handshakes with members of the public.

The visit, commemorating a decade of filmmaking, also saw His Royal Highness interacting with students from the Make It Here program and personnel involved in high-end television productions.

This public display of affability challenges Scobie's portrayal of Prince Edward as a germophobe, as evidenced by his willingness to engage in physical contact.

Moreover, Omid Scobie's book Endgame criticizes Prince Edward and Sophie for their perceived insensitivity towards and following their interview with in March 2021.

Shortly after the Sussexes' revealing interview, Edward and Sophie were questioned about the event by the Telegraph newspaper.

Sophie's purportedly flippant response, “Oprah who?

What interview?”

drew criticism from Scobie, who accused her of displaying casual bigotry towards the renowned TV host.

Scobie further lambasts Sophie for her remarks about , insinuating that her comments reflected a lack of awareness or even prejudice.

He suggests that Sophie's dismissive attitude towards Oprah's significance in the UK media landscape underscores a tone-deafness that borders on discrimination.

The author implies that Sophie's failure to acknowledge Oprah's stature could be construed as a form of bias, particularly given Oprah's prominence following the Harry and Meghan interview.

In his critique, Scobie also questions Sophie's marriage to Prince Edward, insinuating that her choice not to marry a person of color could be viewed as discriminatory.

He posits that Sophie's actions may be indicative of a broader bias within the royal family, especially in light of the scrutiny faced by .

Scobie's portrayal of Sophie as potentially discriminatory adds another layer of contention to the ongoing narrative surrounding the royal family.

Overall, Omid Scobie's book Endgame has been met with criticism, with Australian media writer Sophie Ellsworth describing it as a “disaster.”

Ellsworth's assessment underscores the divisive nature of Scobie's work, which she characterizes as a relentless attack on the royal family.

The book's focus on defending Meghan and Harry while vilifying other members of the royal household has led to questions regarding its credibility.

Ellsworth's sentiment that Scobie's content should be approached with caution resonates with those skeptical of the author's intentions.

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