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Brian Cox Calls Out Meghan Markle: A Royal Ambition Exposed

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Brian Cox Calls Out Meghan Markle: A Royal Ambition Exposed

In a recent candid interview with Holt Living magazine, Brian Cox, the acclaimed star of “Succession,” voiced his strong opinions about and her marriage to .

The Scottish actor didn't hold back, suggesting that Meghan's entry into the royal family was driven by a long-term ambition rather than genuine love.

According to Cox, she seemed to believe that she and Harry could escape the rigid expectations of the monarchy, but he argues that such a notion was unrealistic from the start.

Cox's remarks have sparked considerable discussion online, as many fans and critics alike weighed in on his bold claims.

He pointed out that Meghan was well aware of the challenges she would face upon marrying into the royal family.

He stated, “You can't go into a system where someone's already been trained to behave in a certain kind of way and then just expect them to cut themselves off.” This perspective suggests that Meghan's aspirations may have clashed with the realities of royal life.

The actor also touched on Meghan's childhood dreams of finding her “Prince Charming,” implying that her fairy-tale expectations played a role in her approach to royal duties.

“All that shit we see as fantasy that could be our lives and our dreams,” he remarked, indicating that this mindset may have influenced her actions and decisions within the royal framework.

In a surprising twist, Cox expressed his broader views on the monarchy itself, stating, “In my opinion, we shouldn't have a monarchy.

It's not viable.

It doesn't make any sense.

Fuck it.

Move on.” His strong stance adds another layer to the ongoing debate about the relevance of royal institutions in modern society.

The internet quickly reacted to Cox's comments, with users taking to social media to share their thoughts.

One user noted, “Everyone knows that.

She got her wish but lost her clout in the interim.” Another quipped about Meghan's apparent transparency, suggesting that her intentions were clear to everyone except Harry himself.

Critics continued to dissect Meghan's actions, with some asserting that she was more interested in monetizing the monarchy than modernizing it.

“She never cared about modernising the monarchy.

She only wanted to monetise the monarchy,” one user commented, reflecting a sentiment that has gained traction in various discussions about the couple.

Interestingly, Cox's previous statements about Harry and Meghan were more sympathetic.

Back in December 2022, he defended their decision to step away from royal duties, suggesting that something traumatic must have prompted their drastic choices.

He emphasized that he believed their allegations against the monarchy were credible and warranted serious attention.

Cox's comments come against the backdrop of Meghan's own revelations about her lack of knowledge regarding the royal family prior to meeting Harry.

During their engagement interview, she admitted, “I'm from the States, you don't grow up with the same understanding of the royal family.” This admission sheds light on her initial naivety about the complexities of royal life.

In her infamous interview with , Meghan further claimed, “I never googled my husband.” She insisted that everything she needed to know about Harry was shared with her directly, raising questions about how prepared she truly was for the challenges ahead.

As the conversation around Meghan and Harry continues to evolve, Brian Cox's insights have reignited debates about their roles within the monarchy and the expectations placed upon them.

Whether one agrees with Cox or not, it's clear that the dynamics of royal life are far more intricate than they may appear on the surface.

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