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Bradley Cooper Criticizes Megan Markle’s Acting Skills at Maestro Premiere

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Bradley Cooper Criticizes Megan Markle’s Acting Skills at Maestro Premiere

Bradley Cooper recently made headlines for allegedly criticizing 's acting abilities during the premiere of Maestro.

The event, attended by Cooper, Lady Gaga, and Carey Mulligan, took place at the prestigious Academy Museum of Motion Pictures.

Cooper, known for his high standards, is currently working on directing and starring in a biopic about Leonard Bernstein for Netflix, setting the bar high for the production.

The controversy surrounding Megan Markle arose when she appeared in an advertisement for Clever, a women-led wellness brand known for its powdered coffee.

In the ad, Markle is seen engaging in various tasks such as packing boxes, making drinks, and interacting with colleagues.

However, her performance was met with criticism from both industry insiders and social media users.

Some Instagram users took to the comments section to express their disapproval of Markle's involvement in the ad, questioning her decision to return to acting after stepping back from her royal duties.

One user remarked sarcastically, “Guess this is her idea of a one-hour-a-week job, from representing the queen to packing boxes.”

Another labeled her as the “Duchess of Instagram,” highlighting what they perceived as a fall from grace.

Furthermore, reports emerged that Bradley Cooper, who previously worked with Markle's co-star Lady Gaga, was unimpressed with Markle's acting skills.

According to sources at Royal Revelation, Cooper allegedly criticized Markle's performance, casting doubt on her ability to meet the demands of the industry.

This critique added fuel to the ongoing debate surrounding Markle's transition from royalty to entrepreneurship.

Despite the backlash, Clever, the brand behind the controversial ad, stood by their decision to feature Markle.

The video, which garnered significant attention online, showcased Markle in various scenes, including interactions with colleagues and customers.

However, some viewers criticized the ad for its perceived lack of authenticity and focus on Markle's presence rather than the product itself.

Critics pointed out discrepancies in the ad, such as Markle's multiple outfit changes and a seemingly forced fist bump moment.

They questioned the sincerity of the video, suggesting that it was orchestrated to boost Markle's image as an investor in the company.

Additionally, concerns were raised about the portrayal of interns in the ad, with some viewers interpreting it as a misrepresentation of workplace dynamics.

As the debate surrounding Megan Markle's foray into acting continues, the scrutiny on her career choices remains intense.

While some applaud her entrepreneurial spirit, others question the authenticity of her endeavors.

With Bradley Cooper's alleged criticism adding to the controversy, Markle finds herself navigating a complex landscape of public perception and industry expectations.

In conclusion, Megan Markle's involvement in the Clever ad has sparked a heated discussion about her acting skills, career trajectory, and public image.

As she ventures into new ventures post-royalty, Markle faces both praise and criticism, highlighting the challenges of transitioning from one role to another in the public eye.

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