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and have decided to forego spending Christmas with in the UK, despite being invited.

This marks a significant departure from tradition and poses a challenge for the 95-year-old monarch, who is facing her first Christmas without her husband of 73 years and battling health issues.

Reports from multiple royal sources indicate that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have declined the Queen's invitation to join her for the holidays.

Instead, Meghan, 40, and Harry, 37, are planning to celebrate Christmas in the US with their two children, and .

Last year, the couple also opted out of the festivities due to Covid restrictions.

The absence of Meghan and Harry for a second consecutive year adds to the Queen's emotional burden as she copes with the loss of and ongoing health concerns.

Speculation abounds about the reasons behind the couple's decision, with some suggesting that they wish to avoid the media frenzy that would accompany their return to the UK from California.

Despite the logistical challenges involved in planning a family Christmas, insiders express disappointment that Meghan and Harry will not be by the Queen's side during this difficult time.

The Royal Family did not gather at Sandringham last Christmas due to pandemic restrictions, with the Queen and isolating at Windsor Castle.

As the Queen faces health setbacks and missed public appearances, concerns mount over her well-being.

Recent events, including a hospital stay and a back sprain, have raised questions about her ability to fully engage in festive traditions.

The upcoming Platinum Jubilee, celebrating her 70-year reign, could provide an opportunity for reconciliation, though uncertainties linger.

While hopes remain that Meghan and Harry will reconsider their Christmas plans and prioritize family unity, there are fears that their presence could overshadow the Queen's milestone celebration.

The absence of the couple, especially considering the Queen's desire to meet baby , underscores the complexities of royal dynamics and personal choices.

In a rare update on the Queen's health, Prince Charles reassured the public during a visit to Jordan, acknowledging the challenges of aging at 95.

The Queen's resilience and commitment to her duties are evident, yet the absence of loved ones during the holiday season casts a shadow over her usual festive spirit.

Amidst the uncertainties surrounding the Queen's health and Meghan and Harry's decisions, the focus remains on the enduring bond within the Royal Family.

As preparations for Christmas unfold and the Queen navigates this period of transition, the hope is that cherished traditions and familial connections will prevail, bringing comfort and joy to all involved.

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