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Biggest Smackdown: Princess Anne’s Busy Week Leaves Harry Without Inheritance

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Biggest Smackdown: Princess Anne’s Busy Week Leaves Harry Without Inheritance

, known for her relentless work ethic, continued to impress royal fans with her packed schedule in the past week.

The Princess Royal's recent visit to Gloucester showcased her dedication, earning her the title of the hardest working member of the royal family.

At 71 years old, wrapped up last year with an impressive 387 official engagements, closely followed by her elder brother, Prince Charles, who completed 385 royal duties.

Setting the tone for the new year, Princess Anne wasted no time getting back to work after the Christmas break.

Her first official engagement on January 6th marked the beginning of a particularly productive week for the royal.

During her time in Gloucester, she visited various organizations and charities, showcasing her commitment to serving the community.

One of Princess Anne's notable engagements included a visit to the Mirror Shower Factory in Cheltenham, celebrating its centenary.

She then proceeded to the Chamwell Centre Charity, where she unveiled new facilities designed for disabled children and adults seeking leisure and hydrotherapy services.

Additionally, the Princess Royal made a stop at Racing Welfare, a charity supporting individuals in the British racing and breeding industry, to learn about mental health initiatives for horse racing staff.

The royal family's social media accounts highlighted Princess Anne's engagements, prompting an outpouring of admiration from royal enthusiasts.

Comments praising her dedication and hard work flooded the platforms, with many expressing their support and appreciation for her efforts.

Twitter user Pat commended her as the “hardest working royal,” while others, like David and Boomer, lauded her contributions to the community.

In contrast to Princess Anne's active involvement, Buckingham Palace confirmed that and would not be resuming their royal duties.

Following their relocation to America, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been stripped of their honorary military appointments and royal patronages.

The palace's statement emphasized the couple's decision to step away from public service, citing the impossibility of continuing with royal responsibilities while pursuing independent ventures.

The announcement marked the culmination of a 12-month review of Harry and Meghan's roles within the royal family, initiated after their decision to step back as senior members.

Despite the transition, the palace expressed gratitude for the couple's contributions and reiterated their status as beloved family members.

Notably, Harry and Meghan have embarked on new ventures, securing lucrative deals with streaming platforms and recently revealing Meghan's pregnancy with their second child.

As the military, Commonwealth, and charitable associations revert to the Queen, and Meghan reaffirmed their commitment to service.

In a statement, their spokesperson highlighted the couple's ongoing dedication to supporting various organizations, underscoring the universal nature of service.

Amidst the changes in royal dynamics, Princess Anne's unwavering dedication to her duties continues to earn her respect and admiration from royal followers and the public alike.

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