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**Beckham’s £72.6m Profit Surpasses Sussex’s Brand Bust**

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**Beckham’s £72.6m Profit Surpasses Sussex’s Brand Bust**

David Beckham has hit a financial jackpot this year, raking in an impressive £72 million in profit, largely attributed to the resounding success of his Netflix documentary.

This lucrative endeavor has reportedly left Meghan and Harry green with envy following their own brand debacle in 2023.

The former football star and his fashion mogul wife, Victoria, are now poised to potentially break the £100 million mark next year, propelled by the newfound profitability of Victoria's fashion empire after a 15-year dry spell.

Their recently debuted four-part documentary series, which delves into the intimate details of the Beckhams' relationship, family life, and David's illustrious football career, has been a major hit, drawing in a record-breaking 3.8 million viewers in its first week alone.

Financial reports released on Friday unveiled that David Beckham Ventures Ltd and Seven Global LLP have collectively amassed a staggering £72.6 million in profits through various sponsorships and production endeavors.

An insider revealed to The Sun, dubbing it a “golden year for Golden Balls,” that the Netflix documentary deal alone was valued at over £20 million, marking a significant milestone in Beckham's post-retirement career.

Despite hanging up his boots a decade ago, Beckham continues to attract a flurry of commercial and partnership offers, solidifying his status as a sought-after figure in the industry.

Meanwhile, in stark contrast to the Beckhams' financial triumph, their former acquaintances Meghan and Harry have faced a sharp decline in their brand's fortunes, culminating in them being dubbed the biggest losers of 2023 by The Hollywood Reporter.

Despite their high-profile projects, such as 's book and Meghan's podcast, the couple's efforts failed to translate into tangible success for their core business ventures.

As the Archibald Foundation witnessed a substantial $11 million drop in donations, plunging it into financial distress, industry experts have pointed out the need for a strategic turnaround in the Sussexes' careers.

Royal PR specialist Mark Bukowski warned that unless Meghan and Harry deliver a resounding success in 2024, their relevance in the entertainment world may dwindle rapidly, signaling a critical juncture in their public image.

Bukowski emphasized the necessity for the couple to reassess their approach and potentially reconcile with the royal family, particularly , whose influence in the entertainment industry could either make or break Meghan's prospects.

Speculation looms over whether Meghan's path to success hinges on extending an olive branch to the royal family and navigating a new trajectory in the competitive entertainment landscape.

In light of these developments, industry insiders underscore the pivotal role that 2024 will play in reshaping the dynamics of Meghan and Harry's careers, with the looming specter of failure serving as a stark reminder of the volatile nature of fame and fortune in the entertainment realm.

As the saga unfolds, all eyes are on the Beckhams' meteoric rise and the Sussexes' uphill battle for redemption in the unforgiving spotlight of public scrutiny.

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