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**Baby Lullabies Overtake Meghan Markle’s Archetypes Podcast on US Spotify Chart**

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**Baby Lullabies Overtake Meghan Markle’s Archetypes Podcast on US Spotify Chart**

A surprising turn of events has seen a collection of baby lullabies surpass 's latest Archetypes episode on the US Spotify chart, currently ranking at number 77.

Despite being ranked number 22 overall, 's podcast seems to have experienced a decline in subscribers in the US, with the recent episode falling behind soothing music for newborns.

Meghan Markle's digital offering, the Archetypes podcast, was once hailed as one of Spotify's top programs.

However, the latest episode, part of an alleged £18 million deal between Spotify and the royal couple, features conversations with American-Iranian actress Shorahegh Dashloo and British actress Jameela Jamil on ‘The Audacity of the Activist'.

The episode's ranking at 77 pales in comparison to the success of the lullabies collection.

Currently, the Archetypes podcast series sits at number 22 on the American chart, a far cry from its previous top position.

With new episodes released every Tuesday, featuring surprise guest appearances, there is hope that fresh content will boost the series' standing on the charts.

MailOnline previously reported in September about allegations of Spotify manipulating its podcast chart to keep Meghan Markle at the top, despite lower daily listeners compared to other celebrities like Joe Rogan.

While Archetypes was once dominant in the US, UK, and other English-speaking markets, doubts arose among listeners about the accuracy of Spotify's rankings.

Listeners questioned the disparity between Archetypes' high overall ranking and its lower episode-specific ratings, raising suspicions of Spotify's involvement in maintaining Meghan Markle's position at the top.

The speculated £18 million deal between Spotify and the Sussexes further fueled speculations of chart manipulation.

Experts suggest that Spotify's ranking algorithms may be favoring Meghan Markle's podcast to promote their investment in the royal couple's content.

Despite concerns raised by subscribers, Spotify has remained silent on the matter, leaving room for continued speculation within the industry.

As prepares for the release of his memoir in January 2023, tensions surrounding the Sussexes' relationship with the royal family are expected to ease over time.

The upcoming coronation of III adds another layer of anticipation to the unfolding saga of the royal couple's post-Megxit endeavors.

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