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Archwell in Turmoil: Meghan Markle’s Meltdown Sparks Mass Exodus

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Archwell in Turmoil: Meghan Markle’s Meltdown Sparks Mass Exodus

In recent months, the atmosphere at Archwell has reportedly spiraled into chaos, with at the center of the storm.

Sources indicate that the pressure of managing her ambitious venture following her departure from royal duties has taken a severe toll on her demeanor.

Insiders describe Meghan as having a volatile temperament, leading to an exodus of staff who can no longer endure her toxic behavior.

Over the past six months, at least 15 key employees have resigned from Archwell.

Their departures were attributed to Meghan's increasingly erratic mood swings and her controlling nature.

Many former staff members confided in friends that they feared for their mental health while working under such intense conditions.

It seems that the stress of her role has pushed Meghan to her limits.

Witnesses have reported alarming incidents, detailing how Meghan often erupts in fits of rage over minor issues.

Employees describe scenes where she would throw phones, laptops, and files across rooms, all while screaming at the top of her lungs.

The environment has become so oppressive that some workers have been left in tears, dreading what each new day might bring.

Even those close to Meghan, including aides who followed her from the UK, have expressed shock at her behavior.

They noted that this volatile side of her was not something they encountered during her time as a working royal.

The composed image she presents to the public starkly contrasts with the explosive temperament revealed behind closed doors.

One particularly troubling incident involved an employee who mistakenly sent an email to the wrong mailing list.

Reports suggest that Meghan chased him around the office with a stapler, shouting threats.

In a moment of desperation, had to intervene, restraining her as she became increasingly unhinged.

This kind of reaction has become a common occurrence within the walls of Archwell.

As the staff exodus continues, the organization is struggling to maintain basic operational tasks.

Experienced communications staff have also left, exhausted by Meghan's late-night meltdowns and frantic phone calls.

The situation has left Archwell floundering, unable to carry out essential functions.

The fallout from this turmoil has led to serious consequences for some employees.

A production assistant, hired as a favor to Harry, reportedly suffered a breakdown after just one week.

Sources claim he was subjected to relentless verbal abuse, leading to hospitalization for trauma and a lawsuit for workplace harassment.

Friends close to the Sussexes are increasingly concerned about the situation.

They have urged for an intervention, fearing that Meghan's unchecked anger could lead to physical harm or even legal repercussions.

The potential damage to her public reputation and future opportunities looms large.

Without immediate professional help to address her explosive anger, the future of Archwell looks bleak.

Once seen as a promising venture, it now risks collapsing under the weight of Meghan's deteriorating mental state.

The financial implications could be dire, jeopardizing not only their business but also their family's stability.

Those close to Meghan and Harry are growing more desperate, urging them to leave the tumultuous environment before it's too late.

The dysfunction currently plaguing their lives is unsustainable, threatening both their personal and professional futures.

What was once envisioned as a pathway to success has turned into a Greek tragedy in real time.

The Sussexes, who seemed poised for greatness just a year ago, now face the grim reality of a toxic legacy.

If changes aren't made soon, the fallout from Archwell's implosion may haunt Meghan for years to come, raising serious questions about her suitability for public life moving forward.

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