The News
Archie’s Journey: A Closer Look at Megan Markle’s Parenting
Poor little Archie.
Megan Markle is not his mom and a clumsy mother.
Hello and a very warm welcome to Kate Middleton and the Queen News Channel.
We don't see Megan with her son very often, do we?
I think the public can count on two hands the number of times Archie has been seen.
Two days or two weeks, as Prince Harry claimed after his birth.
Christening photo, polo match, South Africa, Christmas card, Harry with Archie, Megan walking with a doll, Archie's first birthday.
Look at the list.
The only time someone has seen the child in person was after his birth, at the polo match where Catherine was present also, and in South Africa and his first birthday.
We have only seen Megan interacting with Archie four times.
So let's take those times and see what we can figure out from them.
The presentation of Harry and Megan's baby occurred either two days or two weeks after the baby was born.
Megan emphatically did not want to show her child to the world like other royal moms have done.
And yet she decided to backtrack on her word and show her child to some photographers and Gayle King.
Harry held the baby and Megan seemed reluctant to give the cameras a better view of her baby.
Harry seemed fairly comfortable holding the baby, so he's clearly been around babies.
But Megan didn't take to the baby from Harry at any point.
We learned nothing about Megan's parenting, but it was early days.
The christening of Archie is captured in two photos.
So we have to go to the next time Archie was with Megan.
That happened at the polo match where Megan showed up with Archie and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge was there with her three children.
Megan looked uncomfortable holding her baby.
Sure, one image doesn't tell a story.
So it is a compilation of photos that show Megan was still holding a two-month-old Archie as if she hadn't been holding him for the past two months, nursing him, diapering him and just holding her baby.
Megan looked unsure of herself and she looked like a person who had never held a baby.
We finally saw Archie on camera.
And Megan held a four-month-old Archie as she and Harry walked towards a set of steps.
Then she climbed them and they met Desmond Tutu and his wife.
Next, we saw Archie sitting on Megan's lap.
I just watched the video to see how Megan handled Archie.
And she did well.
Harry seemed a little nervous while they walked, but Megan held the baby using two hands.
I did notice Archie wasn't leaning into Megan and he didn't have his arms near Megan.
Archie didn't seem to be upset.
He just appeared indifferent, neither happy nor sad.
And I expected him to place his hand or arm around Megan while they walked.
When Archie turned one, Megan sent out a video of her reading a book, Duck Rabbit, to the child.
Archie was in his white onesie, meaning he was a tad underdressed for his birthday debut, but maybe it was a hot day.
Archie knew how to turn the pages of the book and he sat on Megan's lap while she read the book to him.
He said a word during the story and in a cute moment, he grabbed for another book and then dropped it.
I could hear Harry laughing at Archie when that happened.
And it was a funny moment.
Megan finished reading the book to Archie and then he said, Da, da, da.
And Megan said, Duck Rabbit.
But it sounded like Archie was looking at Harry or whoever was behind the camera recording the fun.
Archie seemed to be saying the word that is usually first, Da, da.
And it's far easier than saying Mama.
Archie seemed to be connecting with Daddy.
That's about all we have to go on.
Archie doesn't seem like a neglected child, but then again I voice my belief that Archie isn't living with Harry and Megan.
Since I've last written about Archie, some staff at Frogmore have said they never saw a child there.
People do talk about the things they've noticed that are out of place and it seems there isn't an Archie around.
Oh Megan has said a few odd things about babies, such as telling a charity she could only stop in for a moment because it was feed time.
That sounds like something fit for a horse, but an infant that is nursing.
Feeding time works.
Then when Megan and Harry speak about Archie they remain nebulous, as in, he's getting into everything now.
Well, of course he is.
But let's say Archie does live with Harry and Megan, then what?
Well I'd have to say Harry would be a lot less miserable.
With Megan running around getting deals, Harry would be very busy with Archie.
He'd be 20 months old and they are busy little kids.
Wouldn't Harry be the go-to parent since the narcissistic mothers typically aren't the most cuddly, empathetic parents?
But could Harry be that?
It doesn't have to be the mom.
So Harry should be completely tired out and ready for some beer at the end of the day.
Two hours to himself and then it would be time to do it all over again in the morning.
Megan doesn't seem to love children.
She doesn't light up around Archie like he's the yummiest kid on the planet.
She doesn't seem to have that need to hold her child, cradle them, touch them on the hair, kiss them on their tummies.
Yes, in the book reading I thought it was sweet that Megan quacked like a duck in Archie's ear and Harry seemed to be quacking along with Megan.
So I witnessed one close moment out of all those interactions.
Megan doesn't seem maternal.
She doesn't prattle on about her toddler and what he's doing.
Most moms love talking about their kids.
They even have funny stories about what they've been into.
I would have been able to say I found her underneath the kitchen table eating a stick of butter.
Or then he went and took all the q-tips and dumped them on the bathroom floor.
Megan would tell her war stories if she were feeling maternal.
My sense is she would not find motherhood to be very fulfilling or enjoyable.
I don't think Archie is in the U.S. at all.
I could be off on this, but I don't think so.
Wherever Archie is, I hope he is loved, nurtured, and happy.
On the other hand, with the UK in lockdown still, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, is very busy homeschooling her two children while playing and taking care of Prince Louis.
Then she takes the time to do her own research on how her patronages are doing, and she'll engage in Zoom calls.
That's what's going to be happening until this vaccine rollout becomes more orderly.
And once most of the people have received their doses, I think we'll be seeing quite a lot of Catherine.
The Duchess of Cambridge will be at all the big family events, if they should happen to occur.
The garden parties have already been cancelled, or so I read, which makes me wonder what will happen to celebrate Prince Philip turning 100 this year.
Hopefully, his big birthday bash will be able to be held.
When the UK opens up and is back to a new normal, Catherine will be busy visiting all the places she could not go to in 2020 due to this pandemic.
There will be gorgeous state dinners and galas to attend, along with just seeing the royals walking to church on Christmas Day.
Catherine will be seen at those events, and she'll likely be busy making the school runs in autumn, as Prince Louis will attend nursery school.
All three Cambridge kids will be in school by then, though nursery school is only for a couple of hours.