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**Amal Clooney’s Bold Stand Against Harry and Meghan’s Freeloading Ways**

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**Amal Clooney’s Bold Stand Against Harry and Meghan’s Freeloading Ways**

Amal Clooney made a striking statement at the recent Prince Trust Awards, indicating her clear stance against and .

According to Clooney, the Sussexes have been labeled as perpetual freeloaders and scroungers.

She revealed how Meghan would often approach affluent individuals at events, seeking to establish connections and secure favors.

Clooney recounted an incident where Harry called her to request the use of their beach house, a favor that was granted.

However, when Harry later asked to use a private jet to reach the same destination, Clooney declined, suspecting a pattern similar to their interactions with Tyler Perry and Elton John.

Clooney further expressed that streaming giants Netflix and Spotify had grown weary of the constant demands and expectations from the royal couple.

She highlighted the challenge of shifting one's mindset when accustomed to receiving freebies, emphasizing that such behavior can be perceived as distasteful by others.

Criticizing Meghan's approach, Clooney remarked on the Duchess's sense of entitlement and failure to grasp the concept that freebies are not a given right.

In his memoir, reportedly shared insights into Meghan's penchant for sharing the luxury items she received, including clothing, perfumes, and makeup, with colleagues.

Allegations surfaced that even after joining the royal family, Meghan continued to seek out complimentary goods from luxury brands, aiming to maintain her status and influence.

The book “The Palace Papers” delves into Meghan's aspirations for prominence within the UK and her reputation for soliciting designer products through various channels.

Supporting Clooney's perspective, Tom Brown shed light on Meghan's pre-royal life and her pursuit of luxury items, notably leveraging a blog to attract high-end brands.

Brown detailed Meghan's interactions with luxury marketers, portraying her as keen on accumulating designer merchandise.

Despite her royal status, Meghan allegedly persisted in soliciting freebies from luxury labels, as evidenced by messages indicating her ongoing interest in receiving gifts.

Questions surrounding Meghan's acceptance of gifts during her royal tenure have surfaced previously, with royal expert Tominey highlighting instances where Meghan sought to retain loaned dresses.

Official guidelines dictate that members of the royal family should typically decline gifts from businesses unless offered under specific circumstances, such as official visits or special occasions.

The rules emphasize the importance of preventing commercial exploitation of gifted items and mandate the treatment of unreturned presents as official property.

Despite their longstanding friendship with George and Amal Clooney, Harry and Meghan have faced scrutiny over their handling of gifts and favors.

The Clooneys, who attended the royal wedding, have signaled their support for , aligning themselves with a different narrative from the Sussexes.

As revelations continue to emerge about the dynamics within the royal family, the spotlight remains on Harry and Meghan's interactions with high-profile figures and their approach to accepting gifts and privileges.

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