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A Royal Showdown: Bradley Cooper Fires Back at Meghan Markle’s Critique of Maestro

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A Royal Showdown: Bradley Cooper Fires Back at Meghan Markle’s Critique of Maestro

Bradley Cooper, the charming leading man renowned for his acting skills, is not holding back in response to and 's criticism of his highly anticipated film, Maestro.

Get ready for a no-holds-barred clash that caught everyone off guard.

, the former Duchess of Sussex who is known for speaking her mind, reportedly had strong opinions about Cooper's portrayal of the iconic composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein.

She didn't shy away from expressing her thoughts.

According to sources close to the situation, Markle viewed the Netflix trailer for Maestro in August and didn't hesitate to share her views.

Let's delve into Markle's critique of Cooper's prosthetic nose.

It wasn't just a minor observation.

Markle went as far as accusing Cooper of wearing what she referred to as “Jewface,” a term considered highly inappropriate.

She insinuated that Cooper's depiction perpetuated stereotypes about Jewish individuals.

Harsh words indeed.

Markle, who claims to have some Jewish heritage through her father, didn't stop at the nose.

She also accused Cooper of disrespecting Bernstein's legacy and culture while reinforcing harmful stereotypes about Jewish people.

She even suggested that a Jewish actor should have been cast in the role or that Cooper should have consulted with Bernstein's family and the Jewish community.

Quite the bold statement.

Despite Markle's criticism, Cooper's colleagues and fans rallied behind him.

Actress Carrie Mulligan, who portrays Bernstein's wife Felicia in the film, commended Cooper's dedication and talent.

Even Bernstein's children were supportive of Cooper's portrayal.

However, Cooper himself remained silent on the matter until now.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Cooper finally broke his silence.

He expressed his surprise and disappointment at Markle's comments, holding nothing back.

Cooper highlighted the extensive research and preparation he undertook for the role, emphasizing his deep respect for Bernstein and his music.

Regarding the prosthetic nose, Cooper clarified that it was an effort to faithfully capture Bernstein's physical features and personality, based on descriptions from Bernstein's children.

He stressed that his intention was never to offend or ridicule anyone.

Throughout the film's production, he consulted extensively with Bernstein's family and co-writer Josh Singer, who is Jewish, receiving positive feedback and support.

Addressing Markle's accusation of anti-Semitism, Cooper vehemently denied it, citing his relationships with Jewish friends and colleagues whom he deeply values.

He proudly declared his support for Israel, revealing multiple visits to the country.

Cooper questioned Markle's motives, suggesting she might be envious of his success and seeking attention.

Accusing Markle of stirring up drama and being ungrateful, Cooper advised her to focus on her own matters rather than targeting him.

He refused to let Markle tarnish his film or reputation, standing firm in his pride for Maestro as a tribute to Bernstein and his music, a genuine celebration of the composer's life and legacy.

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