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A Royal Connection: Princess Kate and George Washington’s Surprising Link

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A Royal Connection: Princess Kate and George Washington’s Surprising Link

Catherine, Princess of Wales, has a fascinating familial connection that many might not expect.

She is linked to none other than George Washington, the first President of the United States.

This intriguing relationship emerges from her mother’s lineage, showcasing how history weaves unexpected ties between prominent figures.

While the connection may be distant, it certainly adds an interesting twist to Princess Kate’s royal narrative.

Historical records reveal that she and Washington are eight cousins, eight times removed.

Their common ancestor is Sir William Gascoigne, a name that might not ring a bell for most, but it’s a significant piece of the puzzle connecting British royalty to American history.

Princess Kate’s connection to Washington isn’t just a fun fact; it highlights the shared history between the UK and the US.

Over the years, she has made several visits to America, with one notable trip to New York City back in 2014.

During this visit, she had the honor of meeting then-President Barack Obama at the White House, further intertwining her royal duties with American culture.

The New England Historic Genealogical Society played a crucial role in uncovering this link, providing documentation that traces Princess Kate’s lineage back to Washington.

Such revelations remind us that the past is often more intertwined than we realize, even across oceans and centuries.

But the connections don’t stop with Washington.

Princess Kate also shares familial ties with notable figures in the entertainment industry.

One of her distant cousins is none other than talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

In 2011, Ellen revealed that she received a letter from the NHGS confirming their relationship as 15th cousins, linked through Sir Thomas Fairfax and his wife, Agnes Gascoigne.

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