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Markle’s Weight Loss Journey Sparks Controversy Among Royal Fans

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Markle’s Weight Loss Journey Sparks Controversy Among Royal Fans

In a recent twist of events, an anonymous source has spilled some intriguing details about , igniting discussions across social media platforms.

According to the source, Markle has been on a weight loss journey that has left many royal watchers both skeptical and curious.

The netizen noted, “Looks like she lost weight,” but also raised eyebrows about the ethics of doctors discussing their patients by name.

The world of celebrity plastic surgeons is notoriously secretive.

These professionals often go to great lengths to protect the identities of their famous clientele.

It's hard to fathom that a doctor would breach this trust, especially in a public setting.

While some speculate that the doctor's comments could stem from a desire to expose the superficiality of fame, others see it as a serious breach of professional conduct.

Despite the skepticism surrounding the claims, some royal enthusiasts are inclined to believe the gossip.

One commenter remarked, “I believe it.

She probably thinks it should be an honor to treat her,” referencing Markle's history of seeking the spotlight.

This sentiment was echoed by another who pointed out that Markle has a reputation for “petty theft” of styles and trends from others, particularly from .

According to the insider, Markle was motivated to adopt a rigorous workout routine and a strict diet after witnessing Kate's recent transformation.

The source claimed that Markle has always felt a twinge of envy towards Kate's figure, often mimicking her fashion choices.

However, the challenge lies in the fact that Kate's physique is considerably slimmer, making it tough for Markle to replicate certain looks.

To achieve her fitness goals, Markle has reportedly enlisted the help of a personal trainer, focusing on Pilates and yoga.

Her diet has also taken a turn, with Markle opting for healthy options like oatmeal, avocados, sashimi, and seafood.

This commitment to health and fitness has become a hot topic among fans and critics alike.

The controversy deepened when revealed in his memoir an alleged incident where Markle commented on Kate's mental state, suggesting she might be experiencing “baby brain.” This term typically refers to memory lapses and absent-mindedness that some women experience during pregnancy and early motherhood.

The revelation has led to a backlash against Markle, with many labeling her a hypocrite for her feminist stance.

Social media erupted with criticism, with one tweet asking, “What kind of feminist says that to a woman?” The sentiment reflects a growing frustration among fans who feel Markle's comments were not only disrespectful but also perpetuated harmful stereotypes about women, particularly mothers.

Harry's revelations have painted Markle in a less-than-flattering light, leading some to accuse her of bullying.

One user expressed gratitude to Harry for exposing what they termed Markle's bullying behavior, linking it to tensions between him and .

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