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Pregnant Meghan Markle Alleges Royals Cut Security Amid Safety Concerns

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Pregnant Meghan Markle Alleges Royals Cut Security Amid Safety Concerns

In a startling revelation, has opened up about her fears regarding security during her pregnancy with Prince .

This issue has been a point of contention between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Royal Family ever since they stepped back from their royal duties in 2020.

Markle's claims have ignited discussions about the safety measures that should be in place for high-profile individuals, especially those facing intense media scrutiny.

During a candid interview with in 2021, Meghan shared her distress over reduced security while expecting her first child.

She recounted how she felt increasingly vulnerable due to the relentless media attention surrounding them.

“This continued through the last few months of our pregnancy, where I would go, wait a minute, he needs to be safe,” she expressed, highlighting her mounting anxiety.

Meghan revealed that she had even resorted to writing letters to the Royal Family, pleading for the protection she felt was necessary.

The couple's departure from royal duties was partly fueled by the decision to strip them of their security, a move that left them feeling exposed.

“We've created this huge machine of clickbait and tabloids that has allowed this to happen, which means we need to be safe,” she explained.

also weighed in during the interview, recalling the abruptness of the security withdrawal.

He stated that they were informed about the removal of their entire security team shortly after stepping down as working royals.

This sudden change left them both shocked and concerned for their safety, especially while living in Canada at the time.

Harry's worries were compounded by the potential for the border to close, leaving them stranded without protection.

“Suddenly I thought, wait, the border could be closed, we'll be removed for who knows how long,” he said, emphasizing the uncertainty of their situation.

The couple's fears were not unfounded; they were acutely aware of the dangers posed by their high-profile status.

In February 2020, the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures revoked 's automatic entitlement to police protection.

This decision has since been the subject of legal battles, as Harry has sought to restore security measures for his family during visits to the UK.

Last December, he expressed his sadness over the circumstances that forced them to leave their royal roles and relocate to America.

Harry articulated his deep ties to the UK, stating that it is an essential part of his children's heritage.

He emphasized the importance of ensuring their safety when they are on British soil.

“I cannot put my wife at risk in this way,” he declared, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

The couple's ongoing struggle for adequate protection raises significant questions about the responsibilities of the Royal Family towards their members, particularly those who have opted for a different path.

As they navigate their new lives away from royal duties, the safety of their family remains a pressing concern.

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