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Meghan Markle’s Culinary Dreams Crumble as Netflix Turns Cold

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Meghan Markle’s Culinary Dreams Crumble as Netflix Turns Cold

In a twist that seems almost scripted, 's aspirations to become Hollywood's version of Martha Stewart are fading fast.

Once the darling of Netflix, the streaming service now appears to be losing interest in her cooking show, a project that was supposed to showcase her skills as a domestic goddess.

The buzz around this venture has all but evaporated, leaving many to wonder if anyone really wanted to watch Meghan play the role of a homey homemaker.

When Meghan and first inked their deal with Netflix back in 2020, it was seen as a brilliant partnership.

The couple, having just stepped away from royal duties, was set to take the entertainment world by storm with a lineup of documentaries, children's shows, and scripted series.

However, as the months have rolled by, it's become increasingly clear that Netflix may have misjudged the Sussexes' appeal.

Meghan's cooking show seems to be the latest casualty in a series of disappointments.

Sources indicate that it hasn't even made Netflix's internal list of upcoming releases for the next five months.

This raises eyebrows—who would want to tune in to watch Meghan, who once took jabs at Princess Catherine for being too conventional, now trying to portray herself as a relatable housewife?

The irony is hard to ignore.

Despite these setbacks, Meghan isn't throwing in the towel just yet.

She's reportedly been hustling to pitch her show to other networks, including Paramount, demonstrating her determination to make this project a reality.

However, it appears that the bigger players in Hollywood are not rolling out the welcome mat for her.

Rumor has it that Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos, who initially supported the Sussexes, is now steering clear of Meghan's attempts to reconnect.

Industry insiders suggest that Sarandos has become somewhat of a punchline for even considering a cooking show featuring Meghan.

This shift in sentiment certainly reflects a broader skepticism about the couple's marketability.

Critics have begun labeling Meghan and Harry as grifters, arguing that the content they've produced thus far doesn't justify the hefty sums they were paid.

It's tough to argue against this when one considers their track record—a handful of underwhelming projects and one docuseries that only gained traction due to its royal connections.

So, what lies ahead for Meghan and Harry within the Netflix framework?

While it seems unlikely that they'll be completely cut loose, insiders believe the streaming giant may opt for a more understated approach.

Instead of a dramatic split, Netflix could allow the partnership to gradually fade away, sidestepping the embarrassment of a public breakup.

Once their original contract runs its course, it's anticipated that Netflix won't renew it under the same lavish terms.

If the Sussexes are fortunate, they might receive smaller, one-off deals that will be assessed on their individual merits.

This strategy allows both sides to save face—Netflix avoids admitting that the collaboration was a major misstep, while Meghan and Harry can continue to pursue their Hollywood dreams without the weight of a massive contract hanging over them.

The days of the Sussexes commanding extravagant deals and high-profile investments seem to be behind them.

Perhaps Meghan should have focused on simpler culinary endeavors, like grilling burgers, which wouldn't require a major streaming platform to validate.

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