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Meghan Markle’s Friendship Fallout: A Closer Look at Jessica Mulroney’s Role

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Meghan Markle’s Friendship Fallout: A Closer Look at Jessica Mulroney’s Role

In the world of celebrity friendships, few have been as scrutinized as that of and Jessica Mulroney.

Their bond, which once seemed unbreakable, reportedly took a hit back in 2020.

The catalyst?

Influencer Sasha Exeter publicly called out Mulroney for her blatant display of white privilege within the fashion blogging sphere.

This incident prompted a heartfelt apology from Jessica, who cited Meghan as one of her closest allies.

However, things took a turn when Meghan's husband, Michael, allegedly put an end to their friendship.

Many fans are now speculating about whether Jessica Mulroney will pen a tell-all book detailing her experiences.

After all, her children played a significant role in Meghan's royal wedding.

It's worth noting that Jessica and her husband even accompanied Meghan on her Australian tour, providing moral support during a challenging time.

Rumors suggest that she may have also helped arrange Meghan's residence in Vancouver and possibly babysat during Meghan's trips back to the UK.

Given all this support, it's quite striking that Meghan seemingly distanced herself from Jessica after the controversy erupted.

The dynamics of their friendship raise eyebrows, especially considering that Jessica reportedly provided Meghan with designer dresses.

There are whispers that they would even bill Prince Charles's office for these complimentary items, sharing the profits between them.

It's known that funded his sons' households through the Duchy of Cornwall, while the Middletons have consistently paid their own way, even covering the costs of Catherine's wedding dress.

William was well aware that his future in-laws were not looking for handouts, maintaining a sense of discretion about their financial dealings.

On the other hand, Meghan's appetite for luxury freebies has become somewhat notorious.

Even after stepping into royal life, she appeared to seek out high-end gifts, hoping to maintain a leading lady status in the UK.

Reports indicate that she had a reputation among luxury brand marketers for being eager to receive bags of designer swag.

This behavior allegedly persisted even after her marriage to .

Insiders reveal that Meghan continued to pursue freebies, with one publicist recalling a message from her team where she insisted, “Make sure the publicist knows that she can still send me anything.”

This eagerness for gifts reportedly led to numerous clashes with staff members who reminded her of royal protocol prohibiting such practices.

Tensions escalated between Meghan and her personal assistant, Melissa Tubity, over Meghan's desire to keep the clothes sent to her.

The flow of deliveries to Kensington Palace was relentless, with items ranging from clothing to jewelry and even candles arriving regularly.

Amidst this backdrop of luxury and entitlement, a new layer of drama emerged involving Jessica Mulroney's daughter, Ivy.

Reports suggest that during Meghan's wedding, she made a point to highlight Ivy's role, showcasing her as a special bridesmaid while allegedly bullying .

Sources claim that Ivy wasn't particularly kind and that Meghan may have encouraged her to pick on Charlotte, who was only three at the time.

This rivalry between the young girls became a hot topic, especially since Meghan appeared to play favorites, elevating Ivy while sidelining Charlotte.

Observers noted that Ivy was the only bridesmaid not wearing a flower crown, a detail that sparked further speculation about Meghan's intentions.

The situation escalated when it was revealed that Charlotte was pulled from dress fittings due to the mockery and bullying from Jessica, Ivy, and Meghan.

This revelation would have undoubtedly infuriated , who learned that his daughter was being treated poorly by her aunt and her friend.

The disarray surrounding Charlotte's dress fitting, which appeared messy and incomplete, further fueled the narrative of favoritism and exclusion.

As the layers of this friendship fallout continue to unravel, it becomes clear that the dynamics within this circle were far more complex than they appeared.

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