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Harry and Meghan’s Popularity Plummets: A Deep Dive into Public Opinion

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Harry and Meghan’s Popularity Plummets: A Deep Dive into Public Opinion

Recent data reveals a troubling trend for and , as their popularity in the United States continues to dwindle.

A new survey highlights a stark reality: the couple, once thought to be the embodiment of modern royalty, is now facing significant scrutiny and mixed feelings from the American public.

The survey results are eye-opening.

Harry ranks at a dismal 1,181st place among the most popular figures in the U.S., while Meghan follows closely behind at 1,847th.

This decline is particularly striking given the initial excitement surrounding their move to America, where many believed they would thrive away from the British monarchy's shadow.

It seemed like a perfect match: a couple who had broken free from an oppressive institution, ready to carve out their own path.

Yet, as time has passed, it appears that the American public's affection for the duo has not materialized as expected.

Instead, they seem to have developed a rather polarized view of the Sussexes.

Harry's net approval rating tells a compelling story.

In the second quarter of this year, 48% of respondents expressed favorable opinions about him, while 24% viewed him unfavorably, giving him a net score of just 24%.

Meanwhile, his brother boasts a slightly better net score of 22%, with 43% approval and only 21% disapproval.

While Harry may narrowly edge out William, the difference is hardly significant.

Despite the controversies and revelations shared in Harry's memoir, “Spare,” and the couple's Netflix docuseries, public sentiment towards them seems largely unchanged.

Many anticipated a shift in perception following these high-profile releases, but it appears that opinions have solidified rather than evolved.

Interestingly, while Harry has portrayed William as a bully, the latter's popularity remains relatively intact.

This suggests that the accusations may not have resonated as intended with the audience.

It raises questions about whether Harry's attempts to share his truth have backfired, leaving him struggling to regain ground.

Meghan's standing is even more precarious.

With a net approval rating of just 17%, she finds herself at the bottom of the popularity spectrum among the royal figures surveyed.

In stark contrast, Catherine, Princess of Wales, enjoys a favorable rating of 35%, with only 11% of people expressing negative feelings towards her.

Despite the Sussexes' efforts to spotlight their grievances against the royal family, it seems that Catherine's image has remained largely unscathed.

The American public appears to show a clear preference for her, even in light of the claims made by Harry and Meghan regarding her treatment of them.

The fallout from their revelations has taken a toll on their careers as well.

Reports suggest that their partnership with Spotify ended on less-than-amicable terms, and there are whispers that Netflix might follow suit once their current contract wraps up.

This series of setbacks raises concerns about their future prospects in the entertainment industry.

As the dust settles, it's evident that Harry and Meghan face a challenging road ahead.

Their past actions and the public's response to them have created a complex narrative that will take time to unravel.

While they may have once seemed poised for success, the reality is that they now have to navigate a landscape filled with skepticism.

Looking forward, it remains to be seen whether the couple can turn things around.

American culture often celebrates comebacks, and there are countless stories of individuals who have faced adversity and emerged stronger.

Perhaps Harry and Meghan can find a way to re-establish themselves in the public eye.

For now, the spotlight is on them as they grapple with their current status.

Will they continue to share their story, or will they pivot in response to public sentiment?

The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the journey ahead will be anything but easy.

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