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Kate’s New Title: Real Life Princess After Heartfelt Photography Project

Photos: GETTY

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Kate’s New Title: Real Life Princess After Heartfelt Photography Project

In a delightful turn of events, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, has been affectionately dubbed a “Real Life Princess” by a young girl whose photograph was chosen for a special exhibition.

This recognition came after Kate launched a digital photography project showcasing images captured during the pandemic.

The initiative not only highlights the creativity of individuals but also celebrates the resilience of the British people during these trying times.

The project, aptly named “Hold Still,” received an overwhelming response, with over 31,000 submissions from participants aged four to seventy-five.

Each photograph tells a story, reflecting the diverse experiences of people across the nation.

Among the chosen images is one submitted by five-year-old Mila, who has been shielding during the pandemic.

Mila expressed her excitement to ITV’s Royal Correspondent Chris Shipp, saying, “There’s a real life princess who picked my picture and the Queen knows about everything.” Her innocent enthusiasm perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the project.

Chris Shipp, reporting on ITV’s Royal Rota, noted how Mila’s words resonate with many.

He remarked, “Kate is what you might call a real life princess,” underscoring the impact of the Duchess’s engagement with the public.

Mila’s pride in her achievement shines through, as she believes, “Everyone in this whole entire world will see my picture.” It’s moments like these that remind us of the power of art and connection.

Producer Lizzie Robinson chimed in, acknowledging Mila’s sentiments, stating, “She summed that up pretty well, didn’t she?” The joy surrounding this project is palpable, as it brings together individuals from all walks of life to share their stories through photography.

The Queen herself has praised the initiative, expressing her delight in reviewing the final selection of images.

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