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Meghan Markle’s Sorority Scandal: The Untold Story of Hazing at Northwestern

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Meghan Markle’s Sorority Scandal: The Untold Story of Hazing at Northwestern

In a surprising twist of college history, 's time at Northwestern University has resurfaced with allegations of a hazing incident that has left many questioning her past.

As a freshman in 1999, Meghan joined the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, where she reportedly became involved in a shocking event that has been shrouded in whispers and rumors ever since.

According to reports from the Chicago Tribune, hazing remains a persistent issue on college campuses, despite efforts from faculty to eradicate it.

Unfortunately, students continue to devise clever methods to uphold these age-old traditions while avoiding detection.

One particularly troubling rumor circulating online suggests that Meghan was expelled from her sorority after an incident involving superglue.

The story gained traction on platforms like Quora, where a user recounted a convoluted tale linking a neighbor's cousin to a postal worker who allegedly had insight into the situation.

This individual claimed that at just 20 years old, Meghan had engaged in a severe hazing act, using superglue to seal shut the eyelids of two first-year pledges.

The gravity of such an act raises eyebrows—what would compel someone to resort to such cruelty?

The aftermath of this incident was dire.

The two young women involved reportedly faced significant trauma, with their experiences leaving them unable to remain in the same space as Meghan.

In response to the uproar, Northwestern University conducted a thorough investigation into the matter.

To complicate matters further, Meghan's father utilized his lottery winnings to secure legal representation, which successfully sealed records related to the case, effectively silencing the university on the issue.

While Northwestern may have been restricted by legal constraints, word of the incident spread beyond campus walls.

The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority faced scrutiny, leading to probation for its Northwestern chapter.

Interestingly, this cloud of controversy might explain the absence of Meghan's sorority sisters at her royal wedding—a significant moment that seemingly contrasted with her earlier college life.

Despite the serious allegations, some former sorority sisters have painted a different picture of Meghan.

They describe her as a delightful and kind person, someone who brought warmth to their sisterhood.

Though she has remained relatively quiet about her college years, Meghan has shared that her time at Northwestern allowed her to explore her biracial identity through African American studies, a subject she cherished.

Liz Corris Graham, a fellow Kappa sister who rushed alongside Meghan, recalled her diplomatic nature when navigating conflicts within the sorority house.

This skill set, she suggested, may have served Meghan well as she adapted to the complexities of royal life.

The core values of Kappa Kappa Gamma, which emphasize philanthropy and community service, also seem to resonate with Meghan's current endeavors.

Carrie Hahn, another sorority sister from a different chapter, echoed this sentiment, stating that Meghan embodies the philanthropic spirit that Kappa cherishes.

Hahn believes that the skills Meghan honed during her time in the sorority will be invaluable in her new role within the royal family.

Coulter Bump, who graduated a year before Meghan, reminisced about the charm that drew her and her sisters to Meghan during recruitment.

She described Meghan as dignified and poised, qualities that made her a standout candidate for the sorority.

It's clear that even back then, Meghan had an undeniable allure that captivated those around her.

As stories from her past continue to emerge, remains a figure of intrigue, with her college days offering a glimpse into the complexities of her character.

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