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A Toddler’s Halloween Costume Wins a Royal Response from the Queen

Photos: GETTY

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A Toddler’s Halloween Costume Wins a Royal Response from the Queen

In a delightful twist of fate, a one-year-old girl from Ohio has captured the attention of none other than II, all thanks to her creative Halloween costume.

Jolaine Sutherland donned an adorable ensemble that mirrored the Queen's iconic style, complete with a double-breasted overcoat and a matching hat.

The little fashionista didn't stop there; she accessorized with a charming white wig and string pearls, embodying the royal spirit as she posed alongside her family's corgis.

Jolaine's mother, Caitlin Sutherland, was the mastermind behind this heartwarming tribute.

She decided to share their Halloween photos with Buckingham Palace, fully expecting nothing in return.

However, she was taken aback when a letter arrived from the Queen's Lady-in-waiting, Mary Morrison.

Caitlin expressed her surprise, saying, “I never thought we would get a response!”

The inspiration for Jolaine's outfit stemmed from her close bond with their family dogs.

Caitlin explained, “We wanted to create something that included them too.” The family has always been fond of the Royal Family and admires the Queen's steadfastness and faith.

Their Halloween outing turned into a mini royal affair, as many passersby complimented Jolaine's costume.

Some even bowed or performed the royal wave, greeting her with “Your Majesty.”

The letter from Buckingham Palace expressed the Queen's gratitude for Caitlin's thoughtful gesture.

It read, “The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your letter, and for the photograph you thoughtfully enclosed.” The correspondence went on to say that Her Majesty was delighted to see Jolaine in her splendid outfit and hoped the family would have a merry Christmas.

Enclosed was also some information about royal pets, which Caitlin noted would surely delight Jolaine.

This charming exchange took place against the backdrop of a quieter Christmas for the Queen at Windsor Castle.

Due to the surge of the Omicron variant, Her Majesty had to scale back her usual festive celebrations at Sandringham.

Instead, she spent the holiday with close family members, including Prince Charles, , , and Sophie.

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