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Princess Kate Swaps Red Carpet Glam for Pancake Flipping Fun

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Princess Kate Swaps Red Carpet Glam for Pancake Flipping Fun

Just two days after turning heads at the 2023 BAFTA Awards alongside , Princess Kate made a charming visit to the Oxford House Nursing Home in Slough.

The royal engagement showcased her commitment to community and care, as she interacted with staff and residents, learning about the nursing home's patient-centered approach.

Dressed to impress yet again, the Princess of Wales sported a stylish navy polo neck paired with matching trousers.

The timing of her visit was perfect, as it coincided with Shrove Tuesday, a day celebrated for its pancake-making traditions.

Embracing the spirit of the occasion, Kate joined residents in a fun pancake-making activity.

Laughter filled the room when she faced a little hiccup: her pancake got stuck in the pan.

With a playful attitude, she used a spatula to free it, humorously admitting, “I'm sorry, I haven't done you justice,” to one of her culinary companions.

Despite her minor kitchen woes, has previously praised Kate's cooking skills.

The couple often shares their family experiences in the kitchen, especially when it comes to cooking and baking with their three children—Prince George, , and .

During the celebrations for 's Platinum Jubilee, they even shared photos of their kids making cakes, highlighting their hands-on parenting style.

While chatting with the residents, Kate revealed that her family would also be making pancakes that evening.

She joked about her own pancake mishaps, saying, “I either get pancakes stuck on the floor or on the ceiling.” Her candidness resonated with the residents, who appreciated her down-to-earth charm.

Among those she met was 109-year-old Nora Muchmore.

The two shared a delightful conversation about their favorite foods, with Nora expressing her love for kidneys and Brussels sprouts.

Kate enthusiastically responded, “Oh, kidneys!

I love kidneys too,” creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Kate's visit didn't just revolve around pancake flipping; she also took time to explore the nursing home's award-winning garden.

There, she met with dedicated staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to create a nurturing environment for the residents.

After her heartwarming interactions, a photo of Kate with Nora was shared on the official Twitter account she shares with Prince William.

The caption read, “109 years young, great to meet you, Nora,” celebrating the remarkable longevity and spirit of the residents at Oxford House.

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