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Royal Birthday Joy: Princess Charlotte Celebrates with New Puppy

Photos: GETTY

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Royal Birthday Joy: Princess Charlotte Celebrates with New Puppy

As the world gears up to celebrate 's seventh birthday, royal fans are buzzing with excitement over a delightful snapshot featuring the young princess and her new puppy.

The charming photograph, shared on Sunday, captures Charlotte beaming with joy, her arm wrapped lovingly around the adorable pooch.

This heartwarming image not only highlights the close-knit family dynamic of the Cambridges but also showcases the impressive photography skills of the Duchess of Cambridge, who snapped the photo at their residence in Amner Hall, Norfolk.

A close friend of the Cambridge family revealed to the Mail on Sunday that the new puppy has quickly become a beloved member of the household.

The entire family is reportedly smitten with the furry newcomer.

Social media was soon flooded with well-wishes for , as fans expressed their delight over both her birthday and the new addition to the family.

Baroness Foster took to Twitter to share her thoughts, posting, “Lovely photographs especially with your gorgeous dog.

Happy birthday Charlotte, how time flies.”

Another user, Hope 60, chimed in, saying, “What glorious pictures of the birthday girl.

Here's to a lovely day for Princess Charlotte tomorrow.

And an extra bonus to see the Cambridge family dog, lovely photos by mum once more.”

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have named their new canine companion Orla, and it is believed that Prince George and Princess Charlotte played a significant role in choosing her from the litter.

The excitement surrounding Orla's arrival has been palpable, with royal supporters expressing their admiration on social media.

One fan, posting under the name Love for Cambridge, said, “These pictures are so beautiful.

She is beautiful.

I want to wish Princess Charlotte a very happy and healthy birthday.

I hope she will have a super fun day and a wonderful new year, and very nice to meet you sweet Orla.”

In a heartwarming twist, other fans joined in on the celebration by sending birthday wishes from their own pets.

A user named Blockwell N shared a message from her Cocker Spaniel, Jasper, wishing Charlotte a happy birthday.

Such gestures reflect the love and camaraderie that the royal family inspires among their followers.

James Middleton, the Duchess's brother, had gifted the family their previous dog, Lupo, back in 2012.

Lupo, a black Cocker Spaniel, was a cherished part of the Cambridge family until his passing in November 2021.

His death came shortly after the family welcomed Orla into their lives, leaving them heartbroken yet hopeful for the future.

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