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Meghan and Harry: Should They Rejoin the Royal Family?

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Meghan and Harry: Should They Rejoin the Royal Family?

In the wake of II's passing, a recent survey has stirred up quite a debate about whether and should consider rejoining the royal family.

Conducted by Express, the poll attracted an impressive 35,084 responses, revealing a resounding sentiment among readers.

An overwhelming 92%—that's 32,241 people—voted against the couple's return, while only 7% voiced their support.

A mere 1% remained undecided.

The royal family has been in a state of transition since the Queen's death, with III emphasizing his intention to streamline the monarchy.

Despite this, royal biographer Tina Brown shared her thoughts on ITV's Lorraine, suggesting that the Sussexes could still play a vital role.

“There's a lot of work to be done,” she stated, hinting at the potential contributions Harry could make if he chooses to re-engage with royal duties.

Many readers chimed in with their opinions on the Express survey, and the comments were far from supportive.

User Milk No Sugar firmly declared, “Definitely not at this time.” Another commenter, edpw, echoed this sentiment, insisting that under no circumstances should the couple return.

The consensus among these voices was clear: Harry and Meghan made their choice to step back, and it's time to respect that decision.

Further reinforcing this viewpoint, some readers pointed to ' first address after taking the throne.

User cityboys666 noted that the King had already wished the Sussexes well as they build their lives overseas, while balloonlips70 highlighted the King's affection for them, suggesting it spoke volumes about their future with the royal family.

Experts have also weighed in, indicating that the door may be permanently closed for Harry and Meghan.

Royal commentator Victoria Arbiter reminded audiences that the couple's departure was a conscious choice.

“The Queen had left the door open for them for a year,” she explained, but ultimately, they decided to carve out their own path.

In light of their current situation, some experts are urging Harry to consider further education as a safety net.

Esther Crack suggested that a degree could provide the Sussexes with a fallback plan should their current ventures falter.

She expressed hope for reconciliation between the couple and the royal family, believing it would benefit everyone involved.

Crack also cautioned the Sussexes to tread lightly in their public appearances and media engagements.

With Harry's upcoming book and Meghan's podcast on the horizon, there's a palpable tension regarding what might be revealed.

“I really hope it's not as bombastic as we fear it will be,” she remarked, reflecting the anxieties many share about potential revelations.

The former Press Secretary to the Queen added another layer to the conversation, predicting that Meghan would continue to capitalize on her royal status.

With a title and a significant following in the United States, she's in a prime position to maintain her influence.

As the debate rages on, it's evident that the future of the Sussexes remains uncertain.

Their choices have sparked a passionate dialogue among royal watchers and the public alike.

Whether they choose to return or forge ahead independently, one thing is clear: the royal family and its dynamics will continue to capture the world's attention.

With so many opinions floating around, the question lingers—what's next for Meghan and Harry?

Only time will tell how this story unfolds, but for now, it seems the majority believe the couple should stick to their new lives away from the royal spotlight.

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