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Meghan and Harry’s Jet-Setting Lifestyle Sparks Outrage

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Meghan and Harry’s Jet-Setting Lifestyle Sparks Outrage

The saga of and continues to unfold, and this time, it's taking flight—literally.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have once again found themselves in hot water over their lavish travel habits, specifically their penchant for hitching rides on private jets.

This latest controversy revolves around their frequent trips aboard the aircraft owned by Bill Guthy, husband of television personality Victoria Jackson.

Remarkably, they have reportedly used his jet five times, raising eyebrows and questions about their commitment to environmental issues.

Imagine this: Meghan and Harry, the self-proclaimed champions of sustainability, strutting through New York City dressed to the nines.

They mingled with political heavyweights like former Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Kathy Hochul, all while indulging in the luxuries that come with someone else's generosity.

Their high-profile outings didn't stop there; they also took family trips to a lavish ranch, this time with Meghan's mother in tow.

It seems every flight is an opportunity for a family reunion—at least when it's free.

However, the plot thickens.

After multiple joyrides on Guthy's private jet, he expressed frustration at being linked to the couple's extravagant lifestyle.

It's one thing to lend your jet to friends; it's quite another to become fodder for tabloid headlines.

Who would want their name dragged through the mud for simply being generous?

It's a fair concern, especially as the Sussexes' reputation takes hits every time they board a private plane.

With Guthy seemingly pulling back his hospitality, one can't help but wonder who might be next on Meghan and Harry's list of potential jet sponsors.

Their options appear limited to a handful of celebrity acquaintances, including Ellen DeGeneres, , Katy Perry, and Gayle King.

But how long can these high-profile friends continue to support their aerial adventures before they start to think twice about sharing their private jets?

Adding to the irony, the couple's climate activism has become a running joke among critics.

Eddie Jones, the Australian rugby coach, couldn't resist poking fun at Harry's environmental stance after learning of his recent private flights.

“How's climate change going, mate?” he quipped, a question that resonates with many who are baffled by the disconnect between the Sussexes' advocacy and their travel choices.

Harry's defense of his jet-setting lifestyle is equally perplexing.

He claims that flying privately is essential for his family's safety, citing the need to avoid the supposed dangers of commercial airports.

To counterbalance his carbon footprint, he suggests planting trees—1,100, to be precise.

This attempt to offset his lavish travels raises eyebrows about the effectiveness of such measures.

As the drama unfolds, the world watches closely, popcorn in hand.

Will Meghan and Harry finally decide to embrace commercial flights like the rest of us?

Or will they continue their quest for luxury travel, seeking out new benefactors willing to foot the bill for their escapades?

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