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Harry’s Memoir Under Fire: Inconsistencies Exposed in Archie’s Birth Story

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Harry’s Memoir Under Fire: Inconsistencies Exposed in Archie’s Birth Story

In a whirlwind of controversy, 's memoir has come under scrutiny, particularly regarding the birth of his son, .

Critics are raising eyebrows over several inconsistencies and claims that seem to defy common medical practices.

The narrative surrounding 's arrival has sparked debates, with many questioning the authenticity of Harry's account.

One glaring inconsistency revolves around Meghan's hospital discharge.

After a challenging birth, one would expect a mother, especially one over the age of 35, to remain under medical supervision for a longer duration.

Yet, Harry suggests that Meghan was allowed to leave the hospital just two hours after giving birth.

This raises serious questions about the credibility of their story.

The couple's initial announcement created quite a stir when they claimed Meghan was in labor, only for it to later emerge that Archie had already been born.

This revelation left many feeling misled.

Harry's assertion that Meghan had to push through a difficult delivery, with Archie's head stuck, has also drawn skepticism.

Meghan's mole, a YouTuber and mother herself, points out that no responsible doctor would discharge a new mother so soon, especially after a complicated delivery.

Adding fuel to the fire, this YouTuber shares her own experience, emphasizing that if a baby is stuck or there's a risk with the umbilical cord, the mother wouldn't continue pushing.

Such insights make Harry's narrative seem even more questionable.

Furthermore, Harry's claims about Meghan being served Mexican food during labor contradict basic hospital protocol.

Anyone familiar with medical procedures knows that eating before childbirth is typically prohibited due to potential choking hazards.

This detail has left many shaking their heads in disbelief.

In a rather bizarre twist, Harry recounts how he used laughing gas and indulged in Nandos chicken to keep calm during the birth.

He describes a scene at the Portland Hospital in London, where he claims Meghan was relaxed, and he was equally at ease thanks to his culinary choices and a canister of laughing gas nearby.

However, the story took an awkward turn when the nurse discovered that the gas tank was empty, leading to an embarrassing moment for Harry.

Interestingly, he mentions that he refrained from using laughing gas during the birth of their daughter.

This inconsistency only fuels speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the couple, particularly regarding the authenticity of Meghan's pregnancies.

Meghan's decision to bypass II's doctors has further intensified these rumors.

Critics argue that her preference for avoiding male medical professionals suggests something more sinister—claims of a faked pregnancy.

This choice has not only raised eyebrows but has also led to rampant speculation among royal watchers.

Jack Elson from the Daily Mail highlights a YouTube channel with a substantial following that is dedicated to discrediting Meghan.

One video, which has garnered over 200,000 views, purports to provide “proof” that Meghan used a prosthetic belly during her pregnancies.

Such claims have resonated with a segment of royal fans who feel deceived.

Social media has also buzzed with discussions on this topic.

Users like Loredana Greco have shared images and videos, asserting that Meghan's baby bump appeared suspiciously inconsistent.

Many believe her refusal to consult with the Queen's doctors is a tactic to maintain the illusion of a pregnancy, further fueling the narrative of surrogacy.

As the saga unfolds, it's clear that Harry's memoir has not only reignited interest in the royal family but has also cast a shadow of doubt over the couple's narrative.

With allegations of deception swirling around, the public remains divided, eager for clarity amid the confusion.

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