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Meghan Markle’s Spotlight Strategy: A Controversial Family Moment

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Meghan Markle’s Spotlight Strategy: A Controversial Family Moment

In a twist of royal drama, has sparked fresh debate by sharing a video featuring her son just as and Catherine touched down in the United States.

The timing of this social media post has left many questioning whether it was a mere coincidence or a calculated move to steal the spotlight from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Critics have been quick to label the moment as desperate, suggesting that Meghan could have opted for a more fitting tribute, like a warm video welcoming her relatives.

Instead, she chose to showcase her son, leading some to wonder if this was an intentional ploy to divert attention.

Speculation is rife about whether was absent from the scene because he wasn't invited or simply deemed unnecessary for the occasion.

In the video, can be seen perched on Meghan's lap while his grandmother, Doria Ragland, appears slightly obscured in the background.

The focus of this family moment was a video call with Jitaka Edhi and political strategist Donna Brazeal, which was later shared by Professor Duchess Harris, an expert in American studies and feminism.

Archie's rare appearance—he has largely remained out of the public eye since his birth in May 2019—has fueled conversations about Meghan and Harry's choice to keep their children private.

The timing of this release, coinciding with William and Catherine's visit, seems too calculated for many observers to overlook.

It raises eyebrows and invites speculation about Meghan's intentions.

Some social media users have even gone so far as to suggest that Archie might not be real, with one Redditor questioning the authenticity of the photos.

They pointed out inconsistencies, such as the blurry quality of the images and the awkward empty space in the frame.

This has led to wild theories about Meghan's use of Photoshop to alter the appearance of her children.

One particularly intriguing theory suggests that Meghan may have used a “moon bump” during her pregnancy to create the illusion of a larger belly.

This claim posits that Archie was born via C-section, a notion supported by observations of Meghan's physical appearance during public appearances.

Critics argue that the newborn presented at the press event shortly after Archie's birth appeared unusually still, raising suspicions about the authenticity of the moment.

Having given birth myself, I can attest that newborns are rarely still; they squirm and wiggle as they adjust to their new surroundings.

Observing the footage from that interview, it's hard not to notice how motionless the baby seemed throughout.

In contrast, other recent public appearances featuring babies show them moving and interacting, which only adds to the skepticism surrounding Archie's early public life.

As Meghan continues to navigate her role in the public eye, the scrutiny surrounding her family dynamics shows no signs of waning.

The juxtaposition of her actions against the backdrop of royal events often feels like a carefully orchestrated performance, raising questions about authenticity and motives.

While Meghan's supporters argue that she has every right to share her family moments, the timing of these posts often feels strategic.

The royal family's longstanding tradition of privacy contrasts sharply with Meghan and Harry's approach, which tends to invite speculation and controversy.

In light of these developments, it seems that Meghan's attempts to connect with her audience will continue to be met with both admiration and skepticism.

As she balances motherhood and public life, the world watches, eager to dissect each move she makes.

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