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Leave Kate Alone: William Stands Up for His Wife Against Snide Remarks

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Leave Kate Alone: William Stands Up for His Wife Against Snide Remarks

In a surprising revelation, insiders close to have shared that he was not afraid to confront his friends when they made derogatory comments about Kate, Princess of Wales, during their early romance.

The prince, known for his calm demeanor, reportedly threw a fit at his aristocratic pals who poked fun at Kate's background, particularly targeting her mother, Carol Middleton.

During their outings to West London's trendy nightclub, Bogeys, William's friends, dubbed the “Gloss Posse” due to their Gloucestershire roots, would whisper hurtful nicknames as Kate entered.

One particularly nasty jab referenced Carol's former job as a British Airways air hostess, which William found unacceptable.

He made it clear that he wouldn't tolerate any disrespect aimed at Kate or her family.

According to a tweet from the popular account Canella Citadel, William took action when he noticed Kate feeling isolated.

He confronted his friends about their mean-spirited jokes, which not only insulted Kate but also targeted her mother.

The prince's fierce defense of his then-girlfriend showed just how much he valued her and her family.

The Middletons, Kate's parents, have a rags-to-riches story.

They founded a successful mail-order party supplies business, Party Pieces, in 1987, after meeting while working at British Airways.

By the time of William and Kate's wedding in 2011, the business had been sold for an impressive £30 million.

Despite their newfound wealth, the snobby remarks from William's friends persisted.

Kate reportedly found the nickname hurtful, but royal aides have noted her remarkable resilience.

While the comments stung, she chose to rise above them.

“It was never water off a duck's back,” one aide mentioned, emphasizing Kate's strength of character.

Remarkably, she has never been seen losing her temper, even in the face of such ridicule.

However, the jibes didn't stop at just the nickname.

Their polished appearance stood in stark contrast to the more rugged style of the true aristocrats present at these events.

These upper-class snobs would often show up in muddy vehicles, carrying mismatched picnic supplies.

William's irritation with his friends' comments about Kate's family was palpable, as he recognized the unfairness of their judgments.

He understood that the Middletons' success should not be a source of mockery but rather a point of pride.

Fast forward to today, and it seems that William's protective instincts remain strong.

A source revealed that he still reacts fiercely whenever he senses that Kate is being disrespected.

“He flies off the handle at any sign of Kate being patronized,” the insider disclosed.

This response has become one of his triggers, showcasing his unwavering support for his wife.

The couple first crossed paths at St. Andrews University in Scotland back in 2001.

Their relationship blossomed over the years, eventually leading to their marriage in April 2011.

Through all the ups and downs, William has consistently shown that he will stand up for Kate, no matter the circumstances.

As their love story continues to unfold, it's clear that William's loyalty to Kate is a defining aspect of their relationship.

Whether facing the judgment of friends or the pressures of royal life, the prince has proven time and again that he will defend his wife against any form of disrespect.

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