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Meghan Markle’s Wedding Snub: The Pippa Middleton Drama Resurfaces

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Meghan Markle’s Wedding Snub: The Pippa Middleton Drama Resurfaces

A story from the past has resurfaced, revealing 's disappointment over not receiving an invitation to Pippa Middleton's wedding in 2017.

According to reports, the Duchess of Sussex felt left out when Pippa, sister of Catherine, Princess of Wales, initially chose not to invite her to the high-profile nuptials.

This revelation has reignited discussions about the complex dynamics between Meghan and the Middleton sisters.

Royal commentator Tominey shed light on the situation, recalling how Pippa's decision may have stemmed from concerns about being overshadowed by 's then-girlfriend.

Initially, Pippa opted not to include Meghan in the guest list, possibly fearing that her presence would steal the spotlight.

However, she later extended an invitation for Meghan to join the evening reception, likely to avoid any potential rift within the family.

The tension didn't end there.

Reports indicate that and were displeased when Meghan and Harry rearranged the seating plan at the reception.

The couple had been asked to sit apart from one another, as the bride had organized the seating to avoid placing couples together.

This incident only added fuel to the fire of the already lukewarm relationship between Meghan and the royal family.

In their biography, “Finding Freedom,” authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand discussed the media frenzy surrounding Meghan and Harry, even early in their relationship.

They suggested that this intense scrutiny made both Pippa and her mother, Carole Middleton, hesitant about Meghan's attendance at the wedding.

Their concerns revolved around the possibility that Meghan's presence might overshadow Pippa's special day.

Interestingly, it was reported that Meghan had agreed to skip the church ceremony due to media speculation regarding her appearance.

Ultimately, Harry attended the wedding solo, while Meghan joined the celebrations later.

This led to a flurry of speculation about whether she was indeed present at the event, with conflicting accounts emerging from various sources.

Some argue that Meghan's absence from the ceremony was due to Pippa and James Matthews' invitation policy, which favored married couples.

It seems that the couple wanted to maintain a certain decorum at their wedding, leading to the exclusion of partners who weren't legally tied.

While Meghan did make it to the reception, the circumstances surrounding her invitation remain contentious.

Critics have pointed out that Meghan's relationship with the Middleton sisters appears strained, perhaps due to their popularity compared to her own.

Some speculate that Meghan's desire to be included in events like Pippa's wedding stems from a need for validation.

However, many question why Pippa would extend an invitation to someone she barely knew, especially given the existing tensions.

Moreover, rumors suggest that Pippa was wary of Meghan's reputation, which may have influenced her initial decision to keep the actress off the guest list.

It's understandable that Pippa would want to ensure her wedding day remained focused on her and James, rather than becoming a backdrop for Meghan's narrative.

The drama doesn't stop there.

Meghan's behavior during other royal events has raised eyebrows, with some suggesting that she often seeks the spotlight.

For instance, at a wedding for a different royal family member, Meghan reportedly revealed her pregnancy, a moment that some felt overshadowed the occasion itself.

Michelle from Royal Daily Tea highlighted an important point regarding the Sussexes' reactions to criticism.

She noted that both Harry and Meghan seem to have thin skin, struggling to handle negative feedback.

This perspective adds depth to the ongoing narrative of their relationship with the royal family.

Harry's own feelings of envy and bitterness are often discussed, particularly in light of his royal status as the second son.

Despite having a privileged life after the tragic loss of his mother, he appears to embrace a victim mentality that many find perplexing.

Lastly, the naming of Pippa's second daughter as Rose has sparked intrigue, especially amidst rumors of infidelity involving .

Pippa's choice suggests a strong bond with her sister, indicating that she would never intentionally harm Catherine by naming her child after a rumored mistress.

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