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Meghan Markle Faces Backlash from Neighbors Upon Returning from Germany

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Meghan Markle Faces Backlash from Neighbors Upon Returning from Germany

In an unexpected turn of events, has returned to her California home to a chorus of boos from her neighbors.

It seems the local community has reached its limit with the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Reports indicate that feelings of disillusionment are rife among residents, many of whom are eagerly counting down the days until the couple leaves their neighborhood.

The Sussexes' reputation in the area has taken a significant hit, with Meghan's demeanor being a focal point of frustration.

One neighbor candidly described her as “high and mighty,” expressing a strong desire for her departure.

This sentiment resonates with many locals who have found the neighborhood notably calmer during Meghan and Harry's recent absence while they were in Germany.

Residents have voiced concerns about the couple's penchant for attracting paparazzi and creating disturbances.

Their actions are often viewed as desperate attempts to maintain relevance, leaving many feeling unsettled.

The Hartles, as they are sometimes referred to, have developed a notorious reputation for entitlement and rudeness, which locals claim has become legendary.

Despite living among wealthier individuals who exhibit greater humility, Meghan and Harry continue to act as if they are of paramount importance.

This attitude has led some neighbors to contemplate moving away entirely.

There are whispers that Meghan may be manipulating , a sentiment echoed by her estranged father, Thomas Markle.

One disgruntled neighbor shared that Meghan's behavior has soured the atmosphere for everyone in the vicinity.

Interestingly, another neighbor had initially tried to extend a friendly gesture by offering films about the history of their exclusive Californian enclave.

However, the Sussexes reportedly showed little interest and have been largely absent from community interactions.

The presence of Meghan and Harry has baffled some residents, particularly given that the neighborhood typically attracts an older demographic.

The situation has escalated to the point where a billionaire neighbor recently sold his $19 million mansion, primarily to avoid living next door to the couple.

Socially, the Sussexes appear to be lacking connections within the community.

There are no reports of gatherings or parties at their lavish residence, and it's clear that few neighbors wish to associate with them, especially in light of their frequent public relations stunts.

Since stepping back from royal duties in 2020, Harry and Meghan have settled into an £11.5 million mansion in Montecito, Santa Barbara.

Yet, their behavior continues to draw ire from the locals, who have filed multiple complaints against them for various reasons.

Recent polling data sheds light on Meghan's declining popularity; she currently holds a disapproval rating of 33%, with only 31% of respondents approving of her.

This results in a net approval rating of minus 2, marking an eight-point drop since June.

Meanwhile, Harry fares slightly better, with a 39% approval rating against 27% disapproval, giving him a net rating of 12, down from 18.

As the Sussexes navigate their lives in California, it's evident that their relationship with the local community is fraught with tension.

The growing dissatisfaction among neighbors suggests that the couple's quest for privacy and normalcy may be more complicated than they anticipated.

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