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Megan Markle’s Latest Venture: A Royal Rip-Off?

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Megan Markle’s Latest Venture: A Royal Rip-Off?

In a bold move that has left many shaking their heads, , the Duchess of Sussex, is diving into the world of Instagram with a new lifestyle brand called American Riviera Orchard.

This venture, however, seems to borrow heavily from Gwyneth Paltrow's already established empire, Goop.

The launch has sparked a flurry of reactions, ranging from amusement to outright criticism.

On Thursday, Meghan unveiled her latest endeavor, showcasing what she likely believes to be a stroke of creative genius.

Unfortunately, the logo resembles something you might find on Etsy's clearance rack, and the promotional video comes off as pretentious.

Viewers were treated to a montage featuring someone who appears to have an abundance of time and resources, delicately handling roses in a setting that feels as genuine as her claims of privacy.

As if this wasn't enough, Meghan then appeared in a kitchen, attempting to channel the persona of a relatable hostess.

Moments later, she was seen in a glamorous ball gown, basking in the sun on a veranda, reminiscent of Marie Antoinette.

It's almost as if she's proclaiming to the world, “Look at me!

I could be doing something meaningful, but instead, I'm here selling overpriced lifestyle products to you common folk.”

But the drama doesn't stop there.

Gwyneth Paltrow herself noticed the glaring similarities between Meghan's new project and her own Goop brand.

The parallels are so striking that it seems Meghan didn't even bother to mask her imitation.

Fans and critics alike quickly pointed out this apparent case of “I'll have what she's having,” albeit with less charm and more desperation.

Ironically, this is the same Meghan who once poked fun at the idea of selling outrageously priced candles, akin to those offered by Goop.

Fast forward to now, and she appears to be striving to establish her own version of a lifestyle brand, complete with all the gimmicks that come with it.

It raises eyebrows as to whether she spent her time in Montecito dreaming of influencer stardom rather than working towards making a genuine impact.

When it comes to expertise, one has to wonder what Meghan brings to the table.

The lifestyle and culinary sectors are filled with individuals who have dedicated their lives to honing their craft.

In contrast, Meghan's entry into this crowded market feels more like a vanity project than a serious business venture.

Her culinary qualifications are almost nonexistent, unless one counts her royal marriage and occasional dining out as relevant experience.

Adding to the cringe factor, this attempt at branding coincides with a petty dispute over a Mother's Day photo.

It's evident that Meghan is scrambling to maintain her relevance, resorting to tactics that many consider desperate.

This latest endeavor isn't just a disservice to the genuinely talented individuals in the industry; it also highlights her and 's disconnect from reality.

In their insulated world, they probably thought this was a brilliant idea.

However, it's hard to ignore the fact that this feels like a half-hearted, poorly executed effort to replicate success without the necessary groundwork.

Meghan, if you're going to try to pull the wool over our eyes, at least put some real effort into it.

The public isn't buying what she's selling, both literally and figuratively.

This latest venture is a glaring reminder that perhaps it's time for Meghan to rethink her strategy.

Originality could go a long way, or perhaps a break from the spotlight would serve her better.

With the overwhelming response to her new brand, it's clear that people are not impressed.

It's time for Meghan to take a step back and reassess her approach.

The world is watching, and they're not as easily fooled as she might think.

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