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Royal Kids Get a Language Boost from Their Nanny

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Royal Kids Get a Language Boost from Their Nanny

Prince George, , and are getting a unique advantage in their education, thanks to their nanny.

The little royals are learning Spanish, a skill that is sure to impress their father, .

In the world of royalty, having a strong work ethic and the ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds is crucial.

Members of the Royal Family often find themselves mingling with individuals from all corners of the globe.

With such a variety of languages spoken at royal events, it's no surprise that many royals strive to become multilingual.

stands out in this regard, boasting proficiency in an impressive seven languages.

He can comfortably converse in French, German, Welsh, Gaelic, Spanish, and even Swahili, which he reportedly taught himself during his university days.

William's language journey may have taken a significant leap during his gap year in Chile, where he volunteered with the Raleigh International Scheme.

His time there involved building houses and helping local communities, which likely provided him with ample opportunities to hone his Spanish skills.

Now, it seems his children are following closely in his footsteps.

Their nanny, Maria Teresa Turrian Borallo, plays a pivotal role in this linguistic adventure.

Hailing from Palencia, Spain, she brings her native tongue to the family.

Trained at Norland College in Bath, one of the most prestigious childcare institutions, she has been with the Cambridges since 2014.

Her teaching efforts have already shown results; during a farm visit in 2017, the Duchess of Cambridge shared that young Prince George could count to ten in Spanish at just three years old.

But the Cambridge kids aren't the only royals with language skills.

The Queen has a solid command of French, having learned it from a young age.

Her late husband, , was fluent in German, thanks to his schooling in Baden-Württemberg.

Other royals, like Prince Charles and , also share this talent, with both being skilled French speakers.

Charles adds Welsh, German, Gaelic, and Arabic to his repertoire.

The training that Maria Teresa received at Norland College is no small feat.

This elite institution is known for producing highly capable nannies who often secure lucrative positions with celebrities and royals alike.

To gain entry into the £15,000-a-year program, applicants must achieve at least three Cs at A-level and demonstrate a genuine passion for childcare.

Despite the seemingly straightforward requirements, Norland only accepts around 100 students each year.

The curriculum is uniquely designed, blending elements of classic caretaking with skills reminiscent of a spy.

Students learn everything from self-defense to martial arts and even getaway driving, making their training both practical and dynamic.

The financial rewards for graduates of Norland are impressive.

Newly qualified nannies can earn up to £42,000 in non-residential roles, while those with experience can command salaries reaching £120,000.

Beyond the paycheck, these positions often come with perks like designer handbags, travel opportunities, and luxurious accommodations.

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