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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: The Price of Royal Disillusionment

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: The Price of Royal Disillusionment

For those keeping an eye on the saga of and , it's clear that financial gain seems to be a primary focus for the couple.

Despite being born into privilege, their apparent lack of understanding of the common person's struggles is striking.

Royal expert Tom Bauer recently shed light on this issue, emphasizing that Meghan's pursuit of Harry was fueled by her desire for wealth.

However, she was hit with a harsh reality when she discovered that the Duke of Sussex wasn't quite the millionaire she had imagined.

Bauer pointed out that Meghan had high hopes of marrying into a fortune, expecting Harry to be worth hundreds of millions, if not billions.

This misconception has left her scrambling to adjust her lifestyle.

With dreams of riding in luxury cars and boarding private jets at will, she now finds herself having to work for those luxuries.

The couple's financial predicament became apparent after they were cut off from royal funds, prompting them to explore various money-making opportunities.

Their ventures have included a lucrative $25 million deal with Spotify, which birthed Meghan's podcast, “Archetypes.”

Additionally, Harry reportedly earned $20 million from his memoir, and together, they struck a massive collaboration with Netflix, valued at around $100 million.

It's also noteworthy that Harry inherited approximately $13.8 million from his late mother, , but that hardly compares to the wealth they envisioned.

Bauer's insights are not mere speculation; he possesses evidence to back up his claims.

Given the Sussexes' reputation for being litigious, he wouldn't risk his credibility without solid proof.

Lizzie Cundey, a longtime observer of Meghan, has echoed this sentiment, stating that Meghan always sought a wealthy partner.

Her expectations regarding Harry's finances seem to have been misguided, as she failed to grasp that the British royal family's wealth is largely tied up in operational costs rather than personal spending.

Meghan's initial belief that marrying a prince would secure her financial future has proven naive.

After leaving the UK, the couple faced the stark realization that independence comes with responsibilities.

When informed them that he would no longer support them financially, the illusion of a free life shattered, revealing that freedom often comes at a cost.

The disillusionment didn't stop there.

A recent book titled “Gilded Youth” by royal biographer Tom Quinn reveals that Meghan was deeply disappointed by her experience within the royal family.

According to a staffer from Kensington Palace, Meghan was blindsided by the realities of royal life.

The insider remarked that there has never been a greater gap between someone's expectations and the actual experience of joining the royal family.

Despite her global stardom, Meghan found herself constrained by rules dictating her actions and speech.

This newfound limitation was a far cry from the life she envisioned.

Another source noted that while she was initially dazzled by the fame that came with being a princess, she soon realized she was not at the top of the royal hierarchy.

Moreover, Meghan's preference for mingling with celebrities over engaging with the public further fueled her dissatisfaction.

Being treated as a public servant, rather than the star she aspired to be, left her feeling unfulfilled.

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