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Royal Rumble: Lizzie Cundey Calls Out Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

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Royal Rumble: Lizzie Cundey Calls Out Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

In an unexpected twist in the ongoing saga of the British royal family, socialite Lizzie Cundey has stepped into the spotlight, delivering a scathing critique of her former friend, , and her husband, .

This comes hot on the heels of a recent episode of *Family Guy*, which humorously lampooned the couple, showcasing their lifestyle and financial pursuits in a satirical light.

Cundey's comments, made during an exclusive interview with *The Mirror*, have sparked conversations about the couple's impact on the royal image.

Cundey, who is no stranger to the media, expressed her frustration with the couple's constant complaints and perceived victimhood.

“Enough now of their moaning and whinging,” she declared, suggesting that Meghan and Harry have turned their grievances into a career.

Her remarks highlight a growing sentiment among some royal watchers who feel that the couple's actions have made the U.K. a target of ridicule on the world stage.

The *Family Guy* episode that triggered this response featured a scene where Meghan and Harry lounge by a pool, discussing their daily sponsored Instagram posts for Del Taco.

The comedic portrayal included a butler informing the couple of a mysterious payment from Netflix, which Harry dismissively brushes off.

Such depictions, Cundey argues, only serve to further undermine the royal family's dignity.

As Meghan prepares to release her memoirs, Cundey fears that the royal family will face even more scrutiny and mockery.

She recalled the uproar following 's own autobiography, which drew significant media attention and public debate.

In a direct plea to Meghan, Cundey urged her to reconsider her writing plans, insisting that enough is enough for both the royal family and the British public.

Turning her attention to III, Cundey called on him to take a stand against Meghan.

She implored him to “grow a backbone” and confront the issues head-on, rather than allowing the situation to escalate.

This call to action reflects a growing frustration among some royal supporters who desire a more unified front from the monarchy.

Cundey and Meghan's friendship dates back to 2013, when they met at a charity event.

At that time, Cundey was eager to support Meghan's burgeoning career, even attempting to help her secure a role on the reality show *Made in Chelsea*.

She reminisced about Meghan's early days in London, filled with dreams of living in the city and building a life with a British boyfriend.

However, as time passed, Cundey claims that their friendship deteriorated.

She revealed that Meghan had effectively ghosted her, leaving their once-close bond in tatters.

This revelation adds another layer of complexity to the narrative surrounding Meghan's relationships both within and outside the royal family.

The anticipation surrounding Meghan's memoirs continues to build, with the public eager to see how her words will impact the royal family.

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