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Prince Harry’s Royal Family Claims Spark Outrage from Insiders

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Prince Harry’s Royal Family Claims Spark Outrage from Insiders

In a recent interview teaser, has stirred the pot once again by claiming that the royal family has shown no interest in reconciling.

This assertion was made during a promotional segment for his upcoming memoir, “Spare,” where he sat down with ITV's Tom Bradby.

The Duke of Sussex didn't hold back, accusing Buckingham Palace aides of planting negative stories about him and his wife, , in the press.

However, not everyone is buying into Harry's narrative.

A well-placed royal insider has hit back, labeling his claims as “complete and unadulterated nonsense.”

The source pointed out the irony of Harry's statements, especially considering that his father, , had extended invitations for Harry to stay at his home during visits to the UK and even invited him to spend Christmas with the family.

This insider emphasized that it takes a certain audacity to claim a lack of willingness to reconcile when such gestures have been made.

Despite Harry's comments in the Netflix docuseries, which painted a bleak picture of his relationship with the royals, the insider insisted that both Harry and Meghan were always welcome at family gatherings.

In fact, had made efforts on multiple occasions last year to mend fences by inviting Harry and his family to his residence in Gloucestershire.

Just weeks before the Queen passed away, he reiterated his invitation for them to visit him in Scotland during his holiday.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper, Harry expressed a desire to reconnect with his brother, William, and their father.

Yet, one can't help but wonder if he's living in an alternate reality.

His complaints about feeling ignored come off as a bit delusional, especially given the context of their previous public disputes.

It raises the question: did he really expect Charles and William to simply overlook everything that was said in past revelations?

The insider's perspective suggests that trust has been significantly eroded between Harry and the royal family, particularly while Meghan remains a part of the equation.

Observers have noted that Harry seems increasingly disheartened during his time in America, with many pointing to moments like the awkward UN appearance where Meghan had to physically pull his hand into her lap to maintain a semblance of connection.

The Royal Grift, a popular commentary channel, weighed in on this situation, suggesting that the discussions between Anderson and Harry are likely pre-approved, much like their previous sit-down with .

Critics argue that each of these interviews tends to recycle old grievances rather than introduce new insights, rendering them somewhat predictable.

Many believe that Harry's intelligence is being called into question, particularly regarding the notion that Meghan might have leaked stories to the media.

Observers argue that anyone paying attention could conclude that she played a role in sharing information with the press.

Tom Bauer's book, “Revenge,” recounts instances where Meghan was reportedly frustrated when her charity work was overlooked in favor of her relationship with Harry.

Bauer also highlights that Meghan was advised against mentioning Harry or the royal family in her early public appearances, yet she disregarded this guidance.

This disregard for protocol has led to speculation about her motivations and has fueled ongoing debates about her influence on Harry's public persona.

Interestingly, just days before the release of Bauer's book, Sam Kashner attempted to clarify his earlier comments about Meghan and Harry's relationship.

Bauer quickly responded, asserting that he had verified all his information before publication, reinforcing the credibility of his claims.

As the drama unfolds, it's clear that Meghan has not taken responsibility for any alleged leaks to the press.

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